September 27, 2015

Join Us This Sunday

9:00 amHoly Communion with Children's TimeSanctuary
9:45 amSunday SchoolConference Room
10:00 amRefreshments and Fellowship HourHeritage Hall
10:05 amAdult Forum with Dr. Tim ZerlangSanctuary
10:10 amJourneys in Faith GatheringFireside Room
11:00 amChoral EucharistSanctuary
12:15 pmRefreshments and Fellowship HourHeritage Hall
12:30 pmCall Committee MeetingFireside Room
4:00 pmMagnificat ConcertSanctuary

Adult Forum-TODAY!
Reporting on his Sabbatical
Our own Director of Music, Dr. Timothy Zerlang, has returned from his sabbatical in Germany.  Come and listen to his report on his experiences in Germany and the Master Organ class he took.  Tim enrolled in an organ course which incorporated studying and playing on historicinstruments at several different churches.  
Note: this adult forum will be held in the sanctuary.

Next Sunday: Tim Zerlang will share his reflections on the relationship between Bach and Luther.  How did Luther influence Bach’s music?  What are the most significant contributions Bach has made to choral music and our own Sunday worship experience?  Tim recently visited the birthplaces of Bach and Luther and will report back on these experiences.  
Note:  this adult forum will be held in the sanctuary. 

 Sunday School and Adult Forums begin

Oct. 4
Animal Blessing at the 9:00 service
ktoberfest in the afternoon

St. Mark's Food Pantry- Sept. 26
The next St. Mark's service day at the Interfaith Food Pantry is Saturday, September 26 from 7:30am - 10:30am at Old First Presbyterian. Please let us know if you're able to attend by RSVP'ing using this form:

Please invite a friend!

Property Team Project Morning - Oct. 3
Please join the Property Team on the morning of Saturday, October 3, for projects to improve the appearance of St. Mark's for the Oktoberfest on the following day. In addition, we'll take on some special projects to help our staff and prepare the church for the fall. We'll start at 9 AM with coffee and pastry and finish by 12 Noon.

Oktoberfest-Oct. 4
lease join in a celebration of German heritage and community at the annual St. Mark's Oktoberfest on Sunday, October 4 from 12 noon -3pm on St. Mark's square! There will be German music, food and libation, games, a bouncy house and great fun.  Lederhosen and German dress are encouraged.  All are welcome and we ask that youplease RSVP on the sign-up sheet in Heritage Hall. Volunteers are needed so please contact Lisa Gray (, Matt Helland ( or Mark Semonian ( if you are interested in helping at the event. We hope to see you there!  Invite friends and neighbors to attend! 

Thrivent Ice Cream Social
The San Francisco Chapter of Thrivent invites our members and their guests to join us for ice cream floats, door prizes, and surprises.  Saturday, October 10th 3-5pm at JP Murphy Playground, 1960 9th Avenue b/w Ortega & Pacheco, San Francisco. So that we have enough ice cream on hand, please RSVP by Oct. 7th to Jo Zemke (415)437-7370 x 211 or Thanks, we will see you there!

Property Team Ministry House Meeting - October 11
Gardening? Painting? Handy with tools? Or, maybe just looking for a fun opportunity to perform hands-on service projects? If you would like to help maintain and improve our historic building and grounds, please join us on Sunday, October 11, in Heritage Hall between the two services (10:00-10:45 am) to discuss the Property Ministry at St. Mark's. This "House Meeting" at St. Mark's will be a convenient forum to discuss projects, implementation methods and other ideas for making our facilities even more supportive of St. Mark's mission. Please contact Gary Schilling at 415-218-2778 if you'd like to learn more about the Property Team.

Plans for Development of New Affordable Housing Property
Dear Congregation Members:
As you are aware, in the next few years we intend to redevelop our current Urban Life Center as an affordable housing development property.  The MLT Trustees and Development Committee are making great progress in pursuit of this exciting vision.  In parallel we'd like to form a committee to discuss the question of what Ministries we should pursue with the physical resources we have on St. Marks Square.  The current plan for the new building calls for a property like the ULC but with affordable housing.  Should we dedicate space to a pre-school?  To a coffee shop?  Should we add a playground for the Sunday School kids and for the children that may live in the new building?  Should we have a rooftop performance space with a fabulous view of San Francisco?  What other exciting opportunities and new ministries could we pursue over the next five or fifty years?

Aron Bohlig is forming a committee to explore these questions and to bring ideas forward.  We will be forming the committee in the next month, with a hope of having one or more specific ideas in place in time for January or February to meet with the architects of the project.

Please contact Aron Bohlig at if you'd like to be a member of the committee or have an idea for a new ministry or program.  The first meetings of the new committee will be at 10am on Oct. 4 and Oct. 8 in Heritage Hall.

The Capital Campaign
A 3-year capital campaign to raise money for building projects and tithing 10% to The Campaign for the ELCA was approved during a special congregational meeting held Sunday, September 20th, following the 9:00 service. 

Pledge cards for the capital campaign will be included in the packet for this year's stewardship drive. Following Commitment Sunday on December 6th, the Congregational Council will evaluate the money pledged and put together a funding proposal for a vote during the Annual Meeting held Sunday, January 31st, 2016.

Three projects are under consideration, needing a total of $1.76 million dollars.

An elevator to improve accessibility and St. Mark's ministry of welcome is estimated to cost $1,200.000.

Replacing the floor in the Sanctuary, which will remove deteriorating and unsafe floorboards is estimated to cost $225,000. Replacing the floor in the balcony at the same time is estimated to cost $155,000.

Restoring the art glass windows, necessary to maintain a water barrier from the exterior is bid to cost $180,000 if all windows are contracted to complete within 2 years.

Bakers needed! 
nterested in making communion bread?  This easy recipe is available on the St. Mark's website.  Contact Pr. Elizabeth if you are interested in this ministry.


What is Journeys in Faith?  
Come down to coffee hour and find out.
Learn about this opportunity to set aside time this Fall and Winter for reflection on our faith and faith community.  Journey with others who are considering joining St. Mark's, being baptized, or affirming their baptism.  You'll find members of the Journeys in Faith team at a table in Heritage Hall during coffee hours.  All questions are welcome.  Contact Liv Beck ( for more information.

Donate Flowers in 2015
The 2015 Flower donation chart is posted in the hallway across from the church kitchen. St. Mark's members and friends can sign up to donate flowers for the chancel on a Sunday by placing your name on the chart for the Sunday you wish. Your donation can be in memory of a loved one or in honor of a particular occasion. The donation is $50 and can be paid via check in the offering plate. Please note "Flowers" in the memo of the check.

Worship Leaders
Guest Musicians...Flute, Diana Gomez; Bass, Colin Williams; Drums, Larry Lasky
Assisting Ministers...Sharon Reinbott (9); Kyle Schiefelbein, Linda Jackson (11)
Lectors...Shannon Cheng (9); Jo Chadwick (11)
Chalice Bearers...Lin Cerles, Jeremy McClain (9); Jane Borg, Cory Schoolland (11)
Acolytes...Grace Ekdale-Hoch, Astra Varian 
Ministry of Welcome...Louis Gutierrez, Marisa Louie(9); Larry DeSpain, John Elford, Gail Culp (11)
Coffee Hour Chairs...John Elford, Marge Okuley, and Hiroko Nagata
​Next week Coffee Hour Chair...Donna Dindia and Chuck Lewis