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Dear members and friends of St. Mark’s,
Hal Donaldson was 23 years old, fresh out of college and found himself in Calcutta, India, where he was ghost writing a book for a couple feeding hungry children. They told him there was someone they wanted him to interview. A friend who was helping them in their endeavor. It was Mother Teresa.
“She was so humble,” Donaldson says. After the interview, Mother Teresa had a question for him: “What are you doing to help the poor?” Says Donaldson: “It wasn’t accusative. She was just asking me a simple and fair question.” He told her the truth. He was young and had just gotten his degree in journalism. He wasn’t focused on helping others. With a smile on her face, Mother Teresa said, “Everyone can do something.”
This story personifies the theme for our 2024-25 Annual Stewardship and Capital Campaign: Forward in FAITH—Preserving for the Future. Mother Teresa’s response to Donaldson is at the core of the mission and ministry of St. Mark’s. Our vision has always been about moving forward in faith and serving together in mission. It is our DNA. Even in the midst of a pandemic, in a divided culture, in the face of fear and anxiety, we have kept moving forward in faith… together!
For over 175 years the people of St. Mark’s have faithfully responded to God’s compassionate love by reaching out in service to the community and the world. Through God’s generous blessings and gifts, the members of St. Mark’s continue to move forward.
At a time when many churches are struggling, God has richly blessed St. Mark’s as we continue to reach out with vital ministries that help us stay aware of our connection to faith, and help us remember the ways that each of us grows together as one community rooted in Christ.
Thank you… for all that you give of yourselves, and your gifts of every kind that make our community possible! Thank you for being an important part of this forward moving, living community rooted in Christ. As we look to the ways we are rooted and bearing fruit in Christ, we invite you to grow in faith and generosity by making an annual stewardship commitment to the ministry of St. Mark’s for 2025. Over and above your stewardship commitment, you are also invited to make a three year stretch-gift towards our capital campaign. (Update: If you are pledging for the first time in 2024 for 2025, this is a two-year pledge for the remainder of the capital campaign.)
Your commitment card can also be completed online. You may also sign up or update your Simply Giving account (an easy electronic transfer payment program) by clicking here and following the simple instructions.
In Christ’s love,
Pr. Lyle Beckman, Former Intentional Interim Pastor
Jeremy McClain, Capital Campaign Chairperson