
SUNDAY Schedule - Services at 9 & 11

  • 8:45 a.m. - Childcare available all morning

  • 9:00 a.m. - Holy Communion with Children’s Time - Sanctuary

  • 10:00 a.m. - Sunday School - on the Square

  • 10:00 a.m. - Adult Forum or Refreshments & Fellowship - Heritage Hall and Zoom

  • 11:00 a.m. - Choral Eucharist with Children’s Time - Sanctuary and YouTube*

  • 12:00 p.m. - Refreshments & Fellowship - Heritage Hall and Zoom

*A YouTube account is not required to access the livestream, but is required to comment/like/subscribe/etc. The service will also be posted on our homepage, and an archive of service recordings is available as well.

From all over the Bay Area and throughout San Francisco, people come to St. Mark’s to experience meaningful worship and an active faith community. People bring their concerns and questions, their weary hearts or hungering spirits, yearning for a community to which they can belong, and longing to find a purpose greater than their own lives. At the heart of St Mark’s is our corporate worship in which we encounter a living and loving God and prepare ourselves for our faithful witness to God’s love in the week to come.

We are thankful to be able to come together in-person as well as virtually every week for traditional worship, adult education, and fellowship. To learn more about how you can connect with the St. Mark’s community, please join our mailing list, or contact us via phone or email.


All of St. Mark’s services include Holy Communion. God’s gracious gift of bread and wine assures us of Christ’s forgiveness and presence in our lives, and are offered for all to partake. Anyone choosing not to receive this precious gift, but desiring to participate, may come forward for a blessing by the pastor (signalled by crossing one’s arms across one’s chest). Anyone who wishes to learn more about the blessings of this sacrament is encouraged to speak with the pastor. 


At St. Mark’s, we believe that children belong in worship and by their very presence help all of us to worship more joyfully. When children worship on a weekly basis, the presence of God comes alive for them. At the 9:00 a.m. service, children receive a special welcome as they are invited forward for a Children’s Message (grown-ups love them too!).

There is a welcome table for children located in the front of the sanctuary at both worship services.  On the table are crayons, books, paper, and soft toys for active children. Children want to witness the action in worship and are encouraged to sit up front.


Staffed childcare is available on Sundays in our Nursery. We welcome children ages 0 to 6 years old to visit the Nursery in order to play, rest, or simply enjoy the child friendly and safe place that we have created.  The Nursery is located beneath the sanctuary—next to the kitchen. Nursing moms are always welcome in the Nursery.  All parents can utilize the diaper changing area in the Nursery or in the bathrooms.

Getting here


By Car

The parking lot is accessible from Gough St. at Starr King Wy. (inbound) or Franklin St. (outbound).


Walking distance from 38 Geary and 49 Van Ness/Mission at O’Farrell.