Join Us This Sunday
9:00 am—Holy Communion with Children's Time—Sanctuary
10:00 am—Refreshments and Fellowship Hour—Heritage Hall
10:00 am—Special Congregational Meeting—Sanctuary
11:00 am—Choral Eucharist—Sanctuary
12:15 pm—Refreshments and Fellowship Hour—Heritage Hall
12:15 pm—MLT Board and SMLC Council Meeting—Conference Room
12:30 pm—Call Committee Meeting—Fireside Room
Special Congregational Meeting between services in the sanctuary -please attend-
Sunday School and Adult Forums begin
Oct. 4
Animal Blessing at the 9:00 service
Oktoberfest in the afternoon
St. Mark's Food Pantry- Sept. 26
The next St. Mark's service day at the Interfaith Food Pantry is Saturday, September 26 from 7:30am - 10:30am at Old First Presbyterian. Please let us know if you're able to attend by RSVP'ing using this form: Please invite a friend!
Adult Forum-Sept. 27
Reporting on his Sabbatical
Our own Director of Music, Dr. Timothy Zerlang, has returned from his sabbatical in Germany. Come and listen to his report on his experiences in Germany and the Master Organ class he took. Tim enrolled in an organ course which incorporated studying and playing on historicinstruments at several different churches.
Note: this adult forum will be held in the sanctuary.
Property Team Project Morning - Oct. 3
Pleases join the Property Team on the morning of Saturday, October 3, for projects to improve the appearance of St. Mark's for the Oktoberfest on the following day. In addition, we'll take on some special projects to help our staff and prepare the church for the fall. We'll start at 9 AM with coffee and pastry and finish by 12 Noon.
Oktoberfest-Oct. 4
Please join in a celebration of German heritage and community at the annual St. Mark's Oktoberfest on Sunday, October 4 from 12 noon -3pm on St. Mark's square! There will be German music, food and libation, games, a bouncy house and great fun. Lederhosen and German dress are encouraged. All are welcome and we ask that youplease RSVP on the sign-up sheet in Heritage Hall. Volunteers are needed so please contact Lisa Gray (, Matt Helland ( or Mark Semonian ( if you are interested in helping at the event. We hope to see you there! Invite friends and neighbors to attend!
Thrivent Ice Cream Social
The San Francisco Chapter of Thrivent invites our members and their guests to join us for ice cream floats, door prizes, and surprises. Saturday, October 10th 3-5pm at JP Murphy Playground, 1960 9th Avenue b/w Ortega & Pacheco, San Francisco. So that we have enough ice cream on hand, please RSVP by Oct. 7th to Jo Zemke (415)437-7370 x 211 or Thanks, we will see you there!
Property Team Ministry House Meeting - October 11
Gardening? Painting? Handy with tools? Or, maybe just looking for a fun opportunity to perform hands-on service projects? If you would like to help maintain and improve our historic building and grounds, please join us on Sunday, October 11, in Heritage Hall between the two services (10:00-10:45 am) to discuss the Property Ministry at St. Mark's. This "House Meeting" at St. Mark's will be a convenient forum to discuss projects, implementation methods and other ideas for making our facilities even more supportive of St. Mark's mission. Please contact Gary Schilling at 415-218-2778 if you'd like to learn more about the Property Team.
Norwegian Stavanger Cathedral Boys & Girls Choir
The Stavanger Cathedral Boys and Girls Choirs, along with the Cathedral organist Ivan Sarajishvili, will perform a concert in the St. Mark's sanctuary on October 8 at 7:30pm. A freewill donation will be accepted. The choirs are based in Stavanger, Norway and are directed by the husband and wife team of Oddgeir Kjetilstad and Jorunn Lovise Husan. For more information, please contact Chiara at
Bakers needed!
nterested in making communion bread? This easy recipe is available on the St. Mark's website. Contact Pr. Elizabeth if you are interested in this ministry.
What is Journeys in Faith?
Come down to coffee hour and find out.
Learn about this opportunity to set aside time this Fall and Winter for reflection on our faith and faith community. Journey with others who are considering joining St. Mark's, being baptized, or affirming their baptism. You'll find members of the Journeys in Faith team at a table in Heritage Hall during coffee hours. All questions are welcome. Contact Liv Beck ( for more information.
Founders' Day at PLTS
Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary will be having a Founder's Day celebration with guest speaker Madeline Forell Marshall. Madeline Forell Marshall is a specialist in eighteenth-century literature who has sought to recover the religious dimension and context of eighteenth-century poetry in books and numbers of presentations and articles. The event will be on Wednesday, September 23, 2015 at PLTS Chapel of the Cross. 9am-1:30pm. All are welcome!
Donate Flowers in 2015
Assisting Ministers...Ed Chitty (9); Kyle Schiefelbein, Ed Chitty (11)
Lectors...Barbara McCormick (9); Cory Schoolland (11)
Kimberly Hamilton-Lam, Margaret McLean (11)
Acolytes...Katherine Lam, Erika Taylor
Sacristan and Altar Guild...Richard Boyle, Ed Chitty
Ministry of Welcome...Susan, Mila, and Tayte Sall(9) Deborah Varian (11)
Coffee Hour Chairs...Dana Utz
Next week Coffee Hour Chair....John Elford, Marge Okuley, and Hiroko Nagata