Nineteenth Sunday After Pentecost
Consideration of and care for those in need (especially those “at our gate,” visible to us, of whom we are aware) is an essential component of good stewardship. It is in the sharing of wealth that we avoid the snare of wealth. It is the one whom death could not hold—who comes to us risen from the dead—who can free us from the death grip of greed.
This Sunday at St. Mark'S
9:00 am - Holy Communion with Children’s Time - Auditorium
9:45 am - Sunday School - School Rooms
10:00 am - Confirmation - Youth Room
10:00 am - El Salvador Team Meeting - Office Break Room
10:00 am - Refreshments and Fellowship Hour - Fireside Room
11:00 am - Choral Eucharist Worship Service - Auditorium
12:15 pm - Refreshments and Fellowship Hour - Fireside Room
Welcome New Director of Operations Winnie Heslin
St. Mark’s new Director of Operations, Winnie Cheung Heslin, joins us in worship at both services on Sunday. She began work at St. Mark’s this past week. She has worked in the insurance industry for the last ten years and also has a background in ministry and non-profit organizations. Winnie will be responsible for St. Mark’s administration and operations, including facility management, HR and benefits, and supervising other office staff. You can contact her at or by phone at (415) 928-7770 ext. 2250. Please welcome Winnie!
Please hold Pr. Tita in your prayers
Pr. Tita is in the Philippines attending the funeral of her father. He died this past week in his sleep and was 88 years old.
Cards and letters of condolences can be sent to Pr Tita to the St. Mark’s address. Please hold her and her family in your prayers.
She will be staying in the Philippines until the first week of October in order to be with family.
St. Mark’s Food Bank Distribution
Did you know the biggest problem in solving World Hunger is not due to a lack of food, but it is a problem of getting the food to the people? In other words we have a need for DISTRIBUTION of available food.
If you would like to participate in a solution to the World Hunger problem, right here in San Francisco, there’s an easy way to make a big difference in 300 local families’ lives. Join the St. Mark’s Food Bank Distribution group. We’re a fun intergenerational group that bond together over the business of food distribution. There’s a job for every age and body type. We would love to have you.
Saturday morning, September 24th
Old First Church
Corner of Sacramento and Van Ness
Free Parking in Old First Church Garage on Sacramento St.
Sign up for any or all shifts, by emailing Diana Gomez:
7:30 AM – 9:00 AM to Unload pallets of food into the distribution room
9:00 AM – 10:30 AM to Distribute food into the bags of the clients as they walk through the line.
10:30 AM – 11:30 AM to Clean up the site.
Support St. Mark’s through your Amazon Purchases!
St. Mark’s is now enrolled in Amazon Smile, which donates 0.5% of every purchase to charitable organizations. Make your Amazon purchases through the St. Mark’s Amazon Smile portal, using your Amazon log-in:
You will see eligible products marked as “Eligible for AmazonSmile donation” on their product detail pages. Note that recurring Subscribe-and-Save purchases and subscription renewals are not currently eligible for donations.
Flooring, Elevator, Windows Update (FEW Committee)
Plant Construction and Eureka Valley Floor Company diligently continue with the installation of the new solid wood floor in the Church. It is rewarding to observe their fine craftsmanship. It is an honor to our stewardship of this remarkable building. The transformation will be worth our efforts and wait. The wood flooring has been installed. The sanding and finishing will be done near the end of September. Re-installing the pews is on schedule the first weeks in October. Gary Schilling has taken photos which are posted on the wall of the Fireside Room. Please take a few minutes to appreciate the care that is being given to our Church.
Join us for Night Ministry’s Annual Fall Gala
The members of the Governing Board of the San Francisco Night Ministry invite you to attend their Fall Gala under the theme “1001 Nights around the World: An International Extravaganza”.
Proceeds will support the ministry and outreach of Night Ministry which has offered pastoral care, counseling and crisis intervention every night of the year between the hours of 10:00 PM and 4:00 AM for the past 52 years!
Saturday, October 8, 2016, 5:30–8:30 p.m.
St. Mark’s Lutheran Church (Urban Life Center)
Reception, program, live music, small plates from around the world, beer and wine bar, soft drinks, with silent, live and reverse auctions
$104.00 General Seating at
Sponsorships available upon request by contacting Night Ministry at
Sunday School Schedule
All children ages 3 years old through 6th grade are welcome to participate in Sunday School. Sunday School rooms are on the ground floor of the Urban Life Center. Parents are welcome to stay and watch.
October 9th: Big Group, all classes meet together. The topic this Sunday will be Prayer and will be taught by Pastor Elizabeth or Pastor Tita
October 30th: Big Group, all classes meet together. Reformation Sunday will be celebrated with a puppet show about Martin Luther.
November 27th: Big Group, all classes meet together. Advent Sunday will be celebrated with games and Advent craft.
No Sunday School December 18th, 25th and January 1st.
January 8th: Big Group, all classes meet together. We will stuff stocking for the homeless. Please bring toiletries or small items suitable for stuffing. (tooth floss, granola bars, mints...)
Flowers at St. Mark’s are arranged by volunteers and our small group cannot cover all the Sundays. We need you! Arrangers have badges for the SF Flower Mart and purchase flowers there (budget $50), bring the flowers to St Mark’s and arrange them in St. Mark’s vases. Expenses are reimbursed with receipts. If you are interested, please let the office know, or email Louis Gutierrez at or Sharon Reinbott at
Produce Market on the Square every Wednesday
Support our community market! Please come and purchase fresh fruit, vegetables and herbs every Wednesday from 11am-12pm in the Urban Life Center Auditorium! The market is co-sponsored by Episcopal Senior Communities and Martin Luther Tower.
Donate Flowers in 2016
St. Mark’s members and friends can sign up to donate flowers for the chancel on a Sunday by placing your name on the chart for the Sunday you wish. Your donation can be in memory of a loved one or in honor of a particular occasion. Please go to to sign up on our online chart. If you are unable to sign up online please call the office (415-928-7770).
The donation is $50 and can be paid via check in the offering plate. Please note “Flowers” in the memo of the check. If you would like to submit your payment online please click on the donate tab on the main page on St. Mark’s website and enter your flower donation under the “other” option and write flowers in the box.
SYNOD Hunger Workshop: Saturday, October 15
Lutheran Church of the Incarnation, Davis, CA - 9:30AM - 4:30PM
Learn how faith and justice are intertwined in a hungry world! This hunger education workshop, by the Sierra Pacific Synod Hunger Network, explores both the life-saving work of the ELCA Hunger and Disaster Appeals, and how the immigration and refugee crisis impacts world and domestic hunger. For more information contact Pr. Tita at
Worship Leaders This Sunday
Director of Music...Dr. Timothy Zerlang
Guest Musician...Margaret Moores
Assisting Ministers..Liv Beck (9); John Barton, Linda Jackson (11)
Lectors...Robert Rathmell (9); Shannon Cheng (11)
Chalice Bearers...Crisitn Owens, Mark Semonian (9); Shannon Cheng, Jane Borg (11)
Acolytes...Tayte Sall, Ed Chitty
Sacristan and Altar Guild...Ed Chitty
Ministry of Welcome...Marisa Lee (9); Larry DeSpain, John Elford, Louis Gutierrez (11)
Coffee Hour Chairs...Dana Utz and Catherine Hurley
Next Week’s Coffee Hour Chairs...John Elford, Marge Okuley
Prayers of the Parish
Cassie Allen
Michael Aune
Art Benson
Liz, Tom, Alexa, and Killian Benson
Debbie Brant & Ted Bernardi
Diana Bock
Natalie E. Bock
Riley Brooks
Corrine Cottrell
Marilyn Desmond
Bonnie Elliot
Jack Heiter
Carolyn Johnson
Dennis Jones
Taylor Jones
John Krauskopf
Stephen Krefting
Arnold Lehmann
Beatrice and John Love
Margaret Massialas
Roderick Mobley
Stan Moeller
Lee & Irma Opitz
Ryan Parker
Cassie Pili
Marc Randall
Travis Schwartz
Matt Seiples
Tim Selander and family
LaVonne Strutz, mother of Geri Bailey
Dana Utz
Carl Velleno
Jerry Witherspoon
Brent Wolfe
For Mary Birkel and family who mourn the death of Mary’s father, Pr Ray Birkel
For Pr. Tita grieving the death of her father, Lauro P. Valeriano Sr.
For Tom Benson who grieves the death of his mother, Erika. For Art Benson who grieves the death of his spouse
For all military personnel, especially Will Lehmannin Afghanistan
For the growing families of St. Mark’s, especially those who hope for andthose who are expecting children
For the Kigali Parish of the Lutheran Church of Rwanda
For the Cordero de Dios congregation in El Salvador
For our Missionary, Pastor Kate Warn, YAGM coordinator in Rwanda
For all Christians in the Holy Land, especially Bethlehem
For the people of Lebanon, Syria, Iran, Iraq
For the Kindergarten Cynthia Espinoza in Paraguay
For MLT Residents who are hospitalized or in hospice care
Every effort is made to keep the Prayers of the Parish current.
Please email to add, remove or update a name on the prayer list.