Fall Stewardship Campaign, October 20- November 24
For the past few weeks the Stewardship Committee has highlighted some of the significant communities of faith that impact us as members of St. Mark's. Hopefully, this season of stewardship has helped us to better understand the colorful tapestry of communities that are woven together to form our own community of St. Mark's. Now we encourage you to step forward and make a personal pledge of financial support to help ensure that St. Mark's can both maintain its existing ministries and also expand them in the upcoming year. Your pledge is essential in helping our community to prosper and grow. Please join us by adding your pledge of support. Pledge cards will be received this Sunday, 11/24 at both services. If you are unable to attend, please send your pledge card back to the church office using the self-addressed envelope in your pledge packet. Let's celebrate community!
St. Mark's Thanksgiving Eve Service, November 27 at 6:45 pm
If you stay in the Bay Area for Thanksgiving this year, please join St. Mark's for a Thanksgiving Eve Worship Service with Holy Communion. There will not be a soup supper in Heritage Hall before worship; instead, Thanksgiving dessert and coffee will follow the service. We hope to see you there!
Prepare St. Marks for Advent and Christmas on Nov. 30
Please join the Property Ministry on Saturday, November 30th, from 9 AM until 12 Noon to prepare the church and grounds for Advent and Christmas. That morning, we'll prepare the large Advent wreath and spruce up the church building, both inside and out. If you'd like to help, please contact Gary Schilling at 415-431-8044.
Interested in Baptism? Membership? Deepening Your Faith?
If you are interested in membership or Baptism, please contact the Journeys in Faith team at journeys@stmarks-sf.org.
Lutheran Social Service: Give a Gift in November
Our 2nd Mile gift recipient in November is Lutheran Social Services of Northern California. LSS serves over 3000 people in Northern California every day. Read about some of their work in the bulletin insert. Donate by writing a check to St. Mark's and noting "Lutheran Social Services" in the memo line. --St. Mark's Social Ministry
Bright Stars of Bethlehem Art Exhibit, Dec. 1
On December 1 from 2:00 - 6:00 pm you are invited to attend a special art exhibit of paintings and drawings by artists living in the Holy Land. Bright Stars of Bethlehem will present this open house with refreshments, music and fellowship at Ebenezer/herchurch Lutheran, 678 Portola Drive, San Francisco. Come and view these unique pieces from artists living under occupation in the West Bank.
Embrace the Hope of Advent
Wednesday @ 6:45pm during Advent - The Great O Antiphons: a Service for Advent, December 4, 11 & 18
In the ancient church the seven "Great O Antiphons" were used during the last days Advent. They later formed the basis for the familiar Advent hymn "O Come, O Come, Emmanuel." During our Wednesday evening Advent services (come for soup at 6 pm, the service will start at 6:45) we will hear these ancient texts sung in new settings by Carl Schalk, each followed by a brief meditation by the poet Jill Peláez Baumgaertner. We will also sing "O Come, O Come, Emmanuel," joining our voices with those of the faithful throughout the centuries.
The Choirs of St. Mark's and St. Mary's Advent Lessons and Carols
Sunday, December 15, 3:30 pm - @ St. Mary's Cathedral
The choir of St. Mark's will join the choir of St. Mary's Cathedral for a fourth annual joint Advent Service of Lessons and Carols. Hosted this year by St. Mary's and under the direction of Cathedral Music Director and Organist, Christoph Tietze, the combined choirs will sing Stanford's Magnificat in G, Victoria's Ave Maria for double choir, Demantius' Ich bin ein guter Hirt, and Lauridsen's hauntingly beautiful O Magnum Mysterium, and more!
Interfaith Food Pantry Dates for 2013
The Interfaith Food Pantry is held every Saturday at the Old First Presbyterian Church. St. Mark's last date for the year is: December 14. The "All Faiths" last date is: December 7. For more info, contact John Elford atjbruceelford@gmail.com.
Making (& Breaking!) Bread
Each Sunday we serve freshly baked bread for Holy Communion at 11am. If you would like to become part of the breadmaking team, please contact Richard Boyle at rboylern@yahoo.com. This is an enjoyable way to get involved on Sunday mornings!
St. Mark's clergy available for pastoral care, conversation, and prayer
You can reach Pr. Elizabeth and Pr. Bekah several different ways:
1. Call the church office and ask to speak to them. Feel free to leave a confidential voice mail for them at their extensions - Pr Elizabeth ext. 2300; Pr. Bekah ext. 2320;
2. You may email them at: Ekdale@stmarks-sf.org and Davis@stmarks-sf.org.
3. If you are in need of immediate, emergency assistance (for example, an unplanned hospital visit or death of a family member), please call them on their cell phones: Pr. Ekdale - 415 846-4340; Pr. Bekah - 402 608-1899. They want to be available to you - especially during a time of crisis. In addition, both clergy are available for pastoral appointments. You are invited to contact them directly to set up an appointment. Note that Pr. Bekah's day off is Tuesday and Pr. Ekdale's day off is Friday.
A Faith Story with Brach Jennings on December 8
My name is Brach Jennings, and I am delighted to serve as the Teaching Parish Seminarian at St. Mark's. I will share my faith story on Sunday, December 8 at 10 am in the Fireside Room. I will briefly tell of my experiences as a young college student who underwent a dramatic life shift to go from being a choral conductor to a future pastor; someone who has been radically liberated by the gospel of Jesus Christ; and someone who is eager to learn and grow from the people of St. Mark's. I do hope you'll join me!
Wednesday Produce Market on the Square, 11 am -12 noon
Support our community market! Please come and purchase fresh fruit, vegetables and herbs every Wednesday from 11am-12noon in the Urban Life Center Auditorium! The market is co-sponsored by Episcopal Senior Communities and Martin Luther Tower.
¡Cantamos! Hymns for October and November
The El Salvador delegation will visit our sister parish during the Thanksgiving holidays. To show support for our delegation and our sister parish, during the months of October and November, the hymns of the day have been English-language versions of Spanish-language hymns.
Holiday In-Home Visit Events
Little Brothers Friends of the Elderly will be visiting isolated elders who do not have anyone to spend Thanksgiving or Christmas with. Visits will take place on Thanksgiving Day, November 28, from 10:00 am to 12 noon and Christmas Day, December 25, from 10:00 am to 12 noon. If you are an elder or know an elder in your parish that would enjoy a visit from a volunteer, or if you would like to volunteer to visit an elder please contact us at 415-771-7957 or visit our websitewww.littlebrotherssf.org. Make a difference in an elder's day by providing much needed companionship this holiday season.
Worship Leaders for this Sunday
Assisting Ministers...Maria Anderson (9); Greg Jahnke, Philip Krikau (11)
Lectors...Suzanne Smith (9); Margaret McLean (11)
Acolytes...Ana & Nora Hurley
Chalice Bearers...Suzanne Smith, Lisa Gray (9); Nate McDonald (11)
Welcome Ministry... Marisa Louie, Louis Gutierrez, Tapio Boles (9); John Elford, Cal & Gail Culp (11)
Refreshment Hour Chairs...Dana Utz, Charlene Loen, John Elford, Marge Okuley