March 25, 2018
The first and second readings and psalm are the same this Sunday every year: Christ emptying himself of divine power and protection, willingly becoming vulnerable to those who struck him and put him to death. With Christ we lament his suffering and all human suffering, but expect God's final vindication. Mark's passion story begins with an unnamed woman anointing his head, perhaps to proclaim him Messiah, and Jesus saying she has anointed him beforehand for burial. Mark's Easter story will begin with women going to anoint Jesus for burial, only to find that he has been raised, God's living Anointed One.
9:00 am - Holy Communion with Children’s Time - Sanctuary
9:50 am - Sunday School Sunday School Room
10:00 am - Refreshments and Fellowship Hour - Heritage Hall
10:00 am - Adult Forum - Dr. Cynthia Moe-Lobeda - Fireside Room
Climate Justice, Radical Hope, and Eco-Reformation in the Footsteps of Luther
10:05 am Confirmation - Youth Room
11:00 am Choral Eucharist Worship Service - Sanctuary
12:15 pm Refreshments and Fellowship Hour - Heritage Hall
March 18 & 25 - Dr. Cynthia Moe-Lobeda
Climate Justice, Radical Hope, and Eco-Reformation in the Footsteps of Luther
Humankind stands at a turning point in history. Either we continue on a fast track toward climate disaster or we harness human genius and creativity to forge a sustainable relationship between the human species and our planetary home. The moral challenge is heightened by matters of climate justice: those most vulnerable to the ravages of climate change are also the people least responsible for it. In this context, Earth’s religious traditions are called to plumb their depths, seeking wellsprings of moral vision, hope, and wisdom for building ecologically sound and socially just ways of living. Lutheran traditions are rich with such resources. On March 25 we explore sources of hope and moral-spiritual power found in Lutheran traditions.
We have scheduled the next Property Morning for March 24, 2018 from 9:00AM to 12:00PM. We will be getting the Church ready for Palm Sunday, this Sunday and Easter April 1, as well as addressing some minor repairs.
This Sunday, March 25, we will be gathering in front of the sanctuary and processing outside around the block to begin our worship service. Be sure to dress appropriately. If you are not able to join the processional, that is totally acceptable as you are welcome to remain in the sanctuary and enjoy some pre-service music and silent meditation until the rest of the people return.
If you have been wanting to serve as a chalice bearer, altar guild member, usher, assisting minister, or lector, now is the time to sign up. Please speak with Kyle, or contact him at No experience necessary—training is provided.
Giving something up for Lent? Put the amount you would have spent on it every day into your St. Mark’s Lenten box. The money you deposit into your St. Mark’s Lenten box during the 40 days of Lent will be donated to Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services (LIRS). LIRS has been caring for immigrants and refugees in the United States for over 70 years. Look at, or @LIRSorg on Facebook, for information about Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services. You can also see a video, “The Journey” at The 5-minute video is about young unaccompanied migrants from El Salvador, the difficult journey they have made, and their lives now filled with hope because of the accompaniment of Lutherans and the Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services.
During the season of Lent, we are invited to care for immigrants and refugees through our giving. Fill your box with coins or bills, or write a check to St. Mark’s with “Lenten Box” or “LIRS” in the memo line. LIRS thanks you!
Please return your Lenten boxes right after Easter. Thank you.
On Easter Sunday, April 1, we will adorn the sanctuary and the church steps with Easter lilies, and other spring flowers. You are invited to participate by making a donation of $12.50 per plant in memory or in honor of someone, or anonymously. You can donate online at:
Please send donations by March 25. Thank you!
If you are planning to go on the Men’s Retreat, please let Pastor Ron know by tomorrow, Monday, March 26. You can let him know today, email him at, or give him a call at church. This retreat is being held at Mercy Center in Burlingame on Friday – Saturday, April 27 – 28, 4:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. The cost is $154/person. You may submit a check to St. Mark’s and earmark it for “Men’s Retreat.” We will have a meaningful time in conversation about the challenges of being a person of faith in our contemporary culture and the feelings that these challenges evoke. This event will be a great opportunity for the men of St. Mark’s to come together and strengthen the relationships that we already have with one another. More detailed information will be sent out to registrants after Easter. If you have any questions, please speak with Pastor Ron today.
INTERFAITH WELCOME: BAY AREA REFUGEE SUPPORT COMMITTEE invites you to a photo exhibition by photojournalist Rober Astorgano:The Barrier of Europe: The Syrian Refugee Crisis DATE: March 27, 2018 . TIME: 6:30 Gallery Viewing and Refreshments; 7:15 Presentation & Discussion; LOCATION: Congregation Emanu-el, 2 Lake Street (San Francisco) - Main Foyer and Main Sanctuary. These impactful photos give a face to the Syrian refugees in crisis in Greece and Turkey, as well as those who are resettling among us in the Bay Area. This event is free but we appreciate your RSVP to Nancy Levine at - 650-238-4196. Please join us! Nancy Levine and Alex Scotta - Congregation Emanu-el.
MARK YOUR CALENDAR now for SUNDAY, APRIL 15 at 4 pm at Grace Lutheran Church, Palo Alto. Combined choirs of Grace, First and University Lutheran churches will present "EARTH AND ALL STARS", a festival of hymns and music honoring the legacy of Herb Brokering (1926-2009), most famous for writing the words to the hymn “Earth and All Stars.” Brokering was a promoter of healing, justice and peace, and led more than 100 pilgrimages to Europe, China India and the Middle EAst including Bethlehem, where he met Rev. Mitri Raheb. Proceeds from this concert will be directed to Bright Stars of Bethlehem, supporting the health, educational, cultural and spiritual development of people in Palestine. More details later and on our Facebook page.
We are thrilled to announce two scholarship opportunities available to students of St. Mark’s Lutheran Church. Applications are available online until April 30.
InFaith Community Foundation Scholarship – One $5,000 scholarship
The InFaith Community Foundation Scholarship was established in 2013 to benefit students who are members of churches that have an active church endowment fund at InFaith Community Foundation. Applicants must be high school graduating seniors seeking a four-year undergraduate degree at an accredited college or university. Through this scholarship award, we hope to provide educational opportunities to an individual who demonstrates financial need, high academic achievement, and a commitment to sharing their blessings with the world. This scholarship program is made possible through an InFaith Field of Interest Fund, a collaborative fund made possible by InFaith donors to serve our shared community.
WomenLead Scholarship - Two $3,000 scholarships
WomenLead recognizes the need for diverse leadership in ministry, nonprofits and civic organizations, and seeks to accelerate the extraordinary leadership of women to lead change using their talents to educate, advocate, and activate. The WomenLead Scholarship was established in 2017. Two educational scholarships in the amount of $3,000 will be awarded to women of Christian faith seeking a Masters or Doctoral level degree that will prepare them to serve in public service, non-profit leadership and/or in Christian ministry. Women of diverse backgrounds (race/ethnicity, age, faith) eager to lead through bold action, innovative vision and faith-inspired passion are encouraged to apply.
Visit the inFaith website to learn more -
Applications are due on April 30, 2018. If you have any questions about the scholarships or the application process please contact Nikki Johnson, Donor Services Associate, at (800) 365-4172, or
NOTE for applying students: In the prequalifying questions section of our application, students should select YES in the last question, that they are a member of a congregation that holds an endowment with InFaith.
Director of Music...Dr. Timothy Zerlang
Assisting Ministers...Barbara McCormick (9); Kyle Schiefelbein-Guerrero, Steve Ernst (11)
Chalice Bearers...Cristin Owens (9); Jane Borg, Nadine Robinson (11)
Acolytes...Nora Hurley and Katherine Lam
Sacristans...Ed Chitty, Kyle Schiefelbein-Guerrero
Ushers...Kurt Putnam, Jerry Lundblad (9); John Elford, Linda Jackson (11)
Coffee Hour Chairs...Calvin & Gayle Culp, Philip Krikau
Next Week’s Coffee Hour Chairs...Andrew Sallach, Elaine & Tim Bohan
For Pr. Elizabeth and her family as they mourn the death of her father, Dr. Robert Ekdale
Farewell and Godspeed for Amy Brendel and Felicia Ong and their children Kyle and Sydney
as they move to Minnesota
For the inhabitants of Jerusalem and all Christians living in Bethlehem and Palestine
For all military personnel, especially Will Lehmann
For the growing families of St. Mark’s, especially those who hope for and those who are expecting children
For the Kigali Parish of the Lutheran Church of Rwanda
For the Cordero de Dios congregation in El Salvador
For Bishop Medardo Gomez from the Salvadoran Lutheran Church
For our Missionary, Pastor Janelle Neubauer, YAGM coordinator in Rwanda
For the people of Congo, Equatorial Guinea, and Gabon
For the Kindergarten Cynthia Espinoza in Paraguay
For MLT Residents who are hospitalized or in hospice care