October 18, 2015

9:00 am—Holy Communion with Children’s Time—Sanctuary
9:45 am—Sunday School—Sunday School Rooms
10:00 am—Refreshments andFellowship Hour—Heritage Hall
10:05 am—Confirmation—Heritage Hall
10:05 am—Adult Forum with Dr. Kyle Schiefelbein—Auditorium
11:00 am—Choral Eucharist Worship Service—Sanctuary
12:15 pm—Refreshments and Fellowship Hour—Heritage Hall
12:30 pm—Germany Trip Meeting—Conference Room
2:00 pm—Reconciling Works Annual Meeting—Fireside Room
7:00 pm—SF Performances Concert—Sanctuary

Annual Stewardship and Capital CampaignKick-off-THIS SUNDAY! 
Watch this space in the coming 8 weeks for activity
announcements and events.

Adult Forum-THIS SUNDAY:
Luther's Most Significant Writings by Dr. Kyle Schiefelbein                
When asked at the end of his life which treatises were the most important for people to read, Luther said that everyone should read "The Bondage of the Will" and the "Large Catechism."  During this adult forum, we will look at these two great documents as well as "The Freedom of a Christian," all of which nicely represent the Reformers contributions to the life of the Church. Located in the Auditorium.

Commemorating the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation Rev. Elizabeth Ekdale
How do we observe the five hundredth anniversary of the Reformation?  Throw a party?  Give thanks?  Offer a sign of repentance?  Join Pr. Elizabeth for this lively and informative discussion.  We are nearing the year 2017, five hundred years since Martin Luther posted the Ninety-five Theses in Wittenberg, Germany.  The Reformation resulted in divisions in the church that continue to this day.  It’s also true that the Reformation renewed our focus on the grace of God abounding in the church and throughout the world.  How shall we commemorate the Reformation?  Come and share.  Located in the auditorium.

The Sierra Pacific chapter of ReconcilingWorks-THIS SUNDAY!
Lutherans for Full Participation invites you to join us today (Sunday, Oct. 18) at 2:00 pm in the conference room of the Urban Life Center. Following a short meeting about our work together in the coming year, we will discuss how congregations can live out their welcome after becoming "Reconciling in Christ" - designated as LGBTQ-friendly.

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Bakers needed! 
Interested in making communion bread?  This easy recipe is available on the St. Mark's website at www.stmarks-sf.org/resources/forms-and-downloads/  Contact Pr. Elizabeth if you are interested in this ministry.

Reformation Sunday, Next Sunday, Oct. 25
Next week we celebrate Reformation Sunday and we encourage all worshippers to wear red for the Sunday Services.

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What is Journeys in Faith?  
Come down to coffee hour and find out.
Learn about this opportunity to set aside time this Fall and Winter for reflection on our faith and faith community.  Journey with others who are considering joining St. Mark's, being baptized, or affirming their baptism.  You'll find members of the Journeys in Faith team at a table in Heritage Hall during coffee hours.  All questions are welcome.  Contact Liv Beck (beckliv@gmail.com) for more information.

Pictures of St. Mark's Events
We are currently working on updating our website and we would like to include some pictures of St. Mark's members, ministries, and events. Please send any photos to Stefani Lawrence at lawrence@stmarks-sf.org.

Donate Flowers in 2015
St. Mark's members and friends can sign up to donate flowers for the chancel on a Sunday by placing your name on the chart for the Sunday you wish. Your donation can be in memory of a loved one or in honor of a particular occasion. Please go tohttp://www.stmarks-sf.org/flower-donations/  for our online chart to sign up or sign up on the flower donation chart posted in the hallway across from the church kitchen.

The donation is $50 and can be paid via check in the offering plate. Please note "Flowers" in the memo of the check.  If you would like to submit your payment online please click on the donate tab on the main page on St. Mark's website and enter your flower donation under the "other" option and write flowers in the box. 


Update on Pastor Bekah
Pastor Bekah has been undergoing her second round of radiation for Hodgkins Lymphoma, and is managing the treatment obstacles very well.  She recently received great news on a test, and we're all hoping that continues at the end of this month once the evaluation of the current treatment is complete.  If you'd like to be part of an online community that is providing help and good wishes, please go to this website to join:  https://www.lotsahelpinghands.com/c/729563/   She sends good wishes to the congregation, and we continue to hold her in prayer as she heals.

Women's Monthly Study Gatherings
All women are welcome to come and study together at our evening and/or morning Women of the ELCA Gatherings.  In October our groups will meet on:Third Sunday - October 18 from 10:10 to 10:50 in the Fireside Room
All women are invited to come for Bible study from the Women of the ELCA's Gather Magazine.  The topic will be "Make Haste O Lord."  Some copies of the magazine are available from Suzanne Smith or a WELCA leader.

If you have any questions, please contact Suzanne Smith at 415.285.7438 or suzathome@comcast.net.

Worship Leader This Sunday
Director of Music...Dr. Tim Zerlang
Assisting Ministers...Ed Chitty (9); Philip Krikau, Ed Chitty (11)
Lectors...Suzanne Smith (9); Barbara Bock (11)
Chalice Bearers...Cristin Owens (9); Cora Rose, Viknesh Silvalingam (11)
Acolytes...Astra Varian, Nora Hurley
Ministry of Welcome...Susan, Mila and Tayte Sall (9); Debra Varian (11)
Coffee Hour Chairs...Barbara Bock
Next week Coffee Hour Chair...Nadine Robinson and Kimberly Hamilton-Lam

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