Join Us This Sunday
9:00 am—Holy Communion with Children's Time—Sanctuary
9:45 am—Sunday School—Conference Room
10:00 am—Refreshments and Fellowship Hour—Heritage Hall
10:05 am—Confirmation—Heritage Hall
10:05 am—Adult Forum - El Salvador Visit—Auditorium
11:00 am—Choral Eucharist Worship Service—Sanctuary
12:15 pm—Refreshments and Fellowship Hour—Heritage Hall
12:30 pm—Call Committee Meeting—Fireside Room
12:30 pm—El Salvador Ministry Meeting—Conference Room
2:00 pm—SF Early Music Society—Sanctuary
This Sunday's Adult Forum
Report from the El Salvador Encuentro.
What's happening with the Lutheran church in El Salvador? How is the church sharing the gospel? How is the church responding to gang violence? How are the people of Cordero de Dios doing? How can St Mark's live our promise to accompany our brothers and sisters in El Salvador? And what does Milwaukee, WI have to do with any of this?
Nov 29: No Adult Forum. Grab a cup of coffee and sit down with someone in Heritage Hall. What Advent traditions do you observe?
11th Annual Interfaith Thanksgiving Service
The San Francisco Interfaith Council will be having a Thanksgiving Service on Thursday, November, 26 from 10:00am-11:00am at The Baha'I Community in San Francisco-170 Valencia Street. For more information visit
What is Journeys in Faith?
We are forming a new group for Journeys in Faith! You are invited to join us. Our Sunday gatherings start shortly after 10AM in the Fireside room. Everyone is welcome to join in! Learn about this opportunity to set aside time this Fall and Winter for reflection on our faith and faith community. Journey with others who are considering joining St Mark's, being baptized, or affirming their baptism. All questions welcome.
Contact Liv Beck (
Save the Date: 24 Hour Prayer Vigil Starting Sat, Dec. 5
We invite you to be a part of a prayer vigil, in which individuals, families and groups are invited to pray in the church for the 24 hours prior to the Sunday on which we commit our pledges. Signups for individual slots will be available soon, but for now, please mark the date on your calendars!
Advent Luncheon and Fair at First Unitarian Universalist Society
On Dec. 6, members and friends of St Mark's are invited once again to be the guests of our Unitarian neighbors across the street from us. We had a wonderful time last year at this event and look forward to it again. Our choir will sing an Advent anthem during the luncheon, in addition to the festive music, there are many baked goods and crafts to purchase - including products from Bethlehem. The cost for the lunch is $10 and all are invited to attend beginning at 12:30 pm.
Holiday gifts direct from the Holy Land!
You can shop for beautiful, meaningful Christmas gifts on December 6 across the street at the First Unitarian Universalist Church's Holiday Faire. (St. Mark's folks are invited for lunch that day...) Olive wood angels and nativities; traditional hand embroidery on bags, shawls, wallets; Christmas tree ornaments and much more - handcrafted by artisans and families in the "Little Town of Bethlehem" and brought to us by St. Mark's friend Claire Anastas. Questions? Contact Linda Krauskopf: or just come, see and buy on December 6!
Calling All Current and Future Ushers!
There will be a meeting on Sunday, November 29th at 12:30 in the sanctuary. There should be time to get a quick bite from coffee hour before the meeting, but let's start right away at 12:30. In an hour we will be covering:
-Our purpose
-Information about duties and resources
-Scenario practice
-Holiday planning
There will be time for questions as well, and we will note any items that we're not able to fully cover in this meeting so that we can come back to those topics later. Please join us! We also welcome those that would be new to ushering. There are both options for ushering every Sunday, as well as the option to usher occasionally. Looking forward to seeing all the ushers on the 29th in the sanctuary. Contact Susan Sall at if you have questions about the meeting. Hope you will consider being part of this engaging ministry at St. Mark's!
Extra Help Needed During Advent Season
We are about to enter into the very busy Season of Advent at St. Mark's and are in great need of office volunteers to augment our permanent staff, who will be taking on the many extra responsibilities of the season. As you know, all members of the current permanent office staff are still relatively new, are still learning their numerous responsibilities and this will be their first Advent
The period of greatest need is Monday, November 23 through Friday, December 18. Please consider freeing up a few extra hours (Monday through Friday) during this four week period and volunteer in the
St. Mark's office! Everyone is welcome and no prior office experience is needed. This is a great short-term opportunity for Retireeslooking for an opportunity to serve St. Mark's for a few hours.
You will be performing light office duties - answering telephones, distributing mail, greeting visitors, answering the front door, assisting permanent office staff and the Pastors, as needed. Office hours are 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, If you can volunteer for 3-4 hours in the morning or afternoon that would be wonderful. Please contact Jane Borg at, if you are interested in volunteering for this important ministry.
Calling All Angels and Shepherds
Our annual St. Mark's Christmas pageant is coming together for 5:00 pm, December 24, 2015, but it will not be complete without you! Sunday School families and all others interested in being a part of the fun will gather to rehearse Saturday, December 12, 10:00-12:00, and Saturday December 19, 10:00-12:00. Don't miss being a part of this fun St. Mark's Christmas tradition. If you are interested in volunteering for a speaking role or helping out behind the scenes, contact our director, Laura Evenson,
Pictures of St. Mark's Events
We are currently working on updating our website and we would like to include some pictures of St. Mark's members, ministries, and events. Please send any photos to Stefani Lawrence at
Donate Flowers in 2015
St. Mark's members and friends can sign up to donate flowers for the chancel on a Sunday by placing your name on the chart for the Sunday you wish. Your donation can be in memory of a loved one or in honor of a particular occasion. Please go to for our online chart to sign up or sign up on the flower donation chart posted in the hallway across from the church kitchen.
The donation is $50 and can be paid via check in the offering plate. Please note "Flowers" in the memo of the check. If you would like to submit your payment online please click on the donate tab on the main page on St. Mark's website and enter your flower donation under the "other" option and write flowers in the box.
Nominating Committee
We are seeking candidates for council positions on the ballot for our 2016 election which will be held at the annual meeting on January 31, 2016. Please contact Lisa Gray, Liv Beck or Bill Mooney if you are interested in candidacy or would like to learn more about the position.
Worship Leaders This Sunday
Director of Music...Dr. Tim Zerlang
Assisting Ministers...Sharon Reinbott(9); Richard Boyle, Ed Chitty(11) Lectors...Deborah Halladay (9) Rachel Letuchumanan(11) Chalice Bearers...Shannon Cheng, Robert Rathmell (9)Kimberly Hamilton-Lam, Joanne Chadwick (11)
Acolytes...Clovis Curl, Linda Jackson
Sacristan and Altar Guild...Richard Boyle, Ed Chitty
Coffee Hour Chairs...Gail Culp, Cal Culp, and Phil Krikau; Dana Utz
Next week Coffee Hour Chairs...Diana and Greg Gomez