The end is near. There is no doubt about it. The warnings are dire. The tone of today's texts is ominous. But the baptized know how to live in the "meantimes." The baptized are strengthened for the living of these days in word and sacrament. The baptized rally around the invitation of the apostle: "Brothers and sisters, do not be weary in doing what is right."
This Sunday at St. Mark's
9:00 am - Holy Communion with Children's Time - Sanctaury
9:45 am - Sunday School - Sunday School Room
10:00 am - Confirmation - Youth Room
10:00 am - Adult Forum: Worship and the Arts - Auditorium
10:00 am - Refreshments and Fellowship Hour - Heritage Hall
11:00 am - Choral Eucharist Worship Service - Sanctuary
12:15 pm - Refreshments and Fellowship Hour - Auditorium
4:00 pm - SF Early Music Society - Sanctuary
A Prayer for Veterans
Almighty and ever-living God, we give you thanks for the men and women who have served and defended our country and the values of freedom and justice we hold so dear. Help us be mindful of the sacrifices they made and the hardship endured by their families and friends, so that we never take for granted the privileges they have secured for us. Hear us, we pray, through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. Amen.
Oct. 30 - Dec. 4 - Together by Grace: Six Weeks of Introducing the Lutherans with Pr. Elizabeth Ekdale, Dr. Kyle Schiefelbein, and Dr. Margaret McLean, 10:00AM in the Auditorium
This Sunday's Theme: Worship and the Arts
Who are the Lutherans and what do we believe? How do we live out our faith in the world? As we begin this upcoming year of commemorating the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, join Pastor Elizabeth, Margaret andKyle for six weeks of exploring local and global Lutheran identity.
This interactive adult forum is designed for novice and experienced alike and draws upon multiple learning styles. Using the book Together by Grace: Introducing the Lutherans as the primary guide for the journey, each session combines focused topic questions, prayer, readings from the book and Small Catechism, and discussion of diverse experiences of Lutheranism.
Books are available on Sunday mornings to purchase for $8.
Your homework: For Nov. 13 read pgs. 85 - 112 before the second session.
For Nov. 13 read pgs. 113 - 146 before the third session.
All participants are encouraged to download the free Augsburg Fortress Small
Catechism app. on your cell phones. A few hard copies will be available too!
Please consider purchasing a hymnal in memory of or honor of a loved one.
We are in need of 25 additional hymnals - the cranberry colored hymnals in our pews. Each hymnal will be embossed on the front with St. Mark's Lutheran Church San Francisco.
On the inside of the hymnal will be a nameplate which will include the name of the donor (or anonymous) and the name of your loved ones. The cost is $30. Please note your information on your check or on a separate piece of paper and submit to the office in care of Stefani Lawrence. Thank you!
Advent Midweek Services will begin on Wednesday, Nov. 30 at 6:45
Holden Evening Prayer will be used throughout Advent on Wednesday evenings. Holden is a lovely, candlelit liturgy with Advent and Christmas images. Come and nourish your spirits during the season of Advent. Note: our community dinner will begin on the same Wednesday, Nov. 30, at 6:00. All are welcome.
Enjoy the Convenience of Electronic Giving
St. Mark's wants to remind you that we offer electronic giving as a way to automate your regular weekly offering. Electronic giving offers convenience for individual congregation members and provides much-needed donation consistency for our congregation. Direct Debit Giving is used to automatically transfer funds from your checking or savings account to the church's bank account. Credit & Debit Card Giving lets you make offerings automatically on a predetermined schedule using a credit or debit card. Online Giving lets you go to at any time to set up an automatic donation plan, change your donation plan, make a one-time donation or view your online donation history. As you contemplate future contributions, please consider electronic giving. Authorization forms and additional information are available from the church office.
Thrivent Action Grants
If you are a Thrivent member, you can apply for two Action Grants which can support St. Mark's ministries. Each grant is $250. If you need assistance in
deciding how to use your grant, contact Pr. Tita or Pr. Elizabeth for ministry ideas.
St. Mark's is using Thrivent Action Grants to redecorate the youth room, purchase new items for our Children's space in the sanctuary, and create a more hospitable space in the church offices. We can put your grants to good use!
An All Bach (& Sons) Organ Recital, November 12, 7:30 PM
Next Saturday, November 12, at 7:30, St. Mark's, together with the San Francisco Chapter of the American Guild of Organists will host Dr. David Yearsley, organist and musicologist from Cornell University. Dr. Yearsley is currently writing a biography of Anna Magdalene Bach, J. S. Bach's second wife, and is immersed in the music of the entire Bach family. David is an entertaining speaker and writer, and a wonderful organist - don't miss this very Opportunity to hear Bach(s) on our very own Taylor and Boody organ.
Young Adult's Theology on Tap, November 15th, 6:30 pm, Conference RoomDo you want to hang out with good food, good people, good conversation and what else, good beer? We are through and through in the tradition of the Reformers! Please contact Pastor Tita at for more information.
Advent Luncheon and Fair at First Unitarian Universalist Society
On Dec. 4, members and friends of St Mark's are invited once again to be the guests of our Unitarian neighbors across the street from us. We had a wonderful time last year at this event and look forward to it again. There will be festive music, baked goods and crafts to purchase - including products from Bethlehem. The cost for the lunch is $10 and all are invited to attend beginning at 12:00 pm.
Sunday School Schedule
All children ages 3 years old through 6th grade are welcome to participate in Sunday School. Sunday School rooms are on the ground floor of the Urban Life Center. Parents are welcome to stay and watch. Please contact Jenny Hart, Sunday School Coordinator for information or if you have questions:
- November 27th: Big Group, all classes meet together. Advent Sunday will be celebrated with games and Advent craft.
- No Sunday School December 18th, 25th and January 1st.
- January 8th: Big Group, all classes meet together. We will stuff stockings for the homeless. Please bring toiletries or small items suitable for stuffing. (tooth floss, granola, bars, mints...)
Weekly Announcement Inserts
Please click the link below to see the insert for this week.
Nov. 13
Produce Market on the Square every Wednesday
Support our community market! Please come and purchase fresh fruit, vegetables and herbs every Wednesday from 11am-12pm in the Urban Life Center Auditorium! The market is co-sponsored by Episcopal Senior Communities and Martin Luther Tower.
Donate Flowers
St. Mark's members and friends can sign up to donate flowers for the chancel on a Sunday by placing your name on the chart for the Sunday you wish. Your donation can be in memory of a loved one or in honor of a particular occasion. Please go to to sign up on our online chart. If you are unable to sign up online please call the office (415-928-7770).
The donation is $50 and can be paid via check in the offering plate. Please note "Flowers" in the memo of the check. If you would like to submit your payment online please click on the donate tab on the main page on St. Mark's website and enter your flower donation under the "other" option and write flowers in the box.
Worship Leaders this Sunday
Director of Music...Dr. Timothy Zerlang
Assisting Ministers ...Ed Chitty (9); Phil Krikau, Kyle Schiefelbein (11)
Lectors ...Shannon Cheng (9); Cory Schoolland (11)
Chalice Bearer...Jane Borg (11);
Acolytes...Grace Hoch-Ekdale, Katherine Lam (11)
Sacristan and Altar Guild...Richard Boyle, Ed Chitty
Ministry of Welcome...Pam Cheung, Kimberly and David Lam,Tina Niu, Pedro Ospina, Linda R. Jackson
Coffee Hour Chair...Andrew Sallach
Next Week's Coffee Hour Chairs...Susie Smith and Fred Blickle
Prayers of the Parish
Cassie Allen
Debbie Brant & Ted Bernardi
Diana Bock
Natalie E. Bock
Riley Brooks
Jo Chadwick
Corrine Cottrell
Marilyn Desmond
Bonnie Elliot
Jack Heiter
Carolyn Johnson
Taylor Jones
Stephen Krefting
Arnold Lehmann
Margaret Massialas
Roderick Mobley
Stan Moeller
Lee & Irma Opitz
Ryan Parker
Cassie Pili
Marc Randal
Travis Schwartz
Matt Seiples
Tim Selander and family
LaVonne Strutz, mother of Geri Bailey
Mary Sukanya
Pastor Rebecca Swee
Dana Utz
Jerry Witherspoon
Brent Wolfe
For Pastor Elizabeth and the ELCA Church Council meeting Nov. 10-13
For our nation and our leaders, for President Elect Trump and President Obama during this time of transition
For all military personnel, especially Will Lehmann in Afghanistan
For the growing families of St. Mark’s, especially those who hope For and those who are expecting children
For the Kigali Parish of the Lutheran Church of Rwanda
For the Cordero de Dios congregation in El Salvador
For our Missionary, Pastor Kate Warn, YAGM coordinator in Rwanda
For all Christians in the Holy Land, especially Bethlehem
For the people of Hong Kong, Macao, China
For the Kindergarten Cynthia Espinoza in Paraguay
For MLT Residents who are hospitalized or in hospice care
Every effort is made to keep the Prayers of the Parish current.
Please email to add, remove or update
a name on the prayer list.