November 1, 2015

Join Us This Sunday

9:00 am—Holy Communion with Children’s Time—Sanctuary
9:45 am—Sunday School—Sunday School Rooms
10:00 am—Refreshments and Fellowship Hour—Heritage Hall
10:00 am—Parents with Kidlettes—Heritage Hall
10:05 am—Confirmation—Youth Room
10:05 am—Adult Forum—Viknesh Silvalingam—Heritage Hall
11:00 am—Choral Eucharist Worship Service—Sanctuary
12:15 pm—Refreshments and Fellowship Hour—Heritage Hall

4:00 pm—Noe Valley Chamber Music Concert—Sanctuary
7:15 pm—Einstein String Quartet—Sanctuary

Today's Adult Forum
At 10:05, head over to the ULC auditorium to join St Mark's member and filmmaker Viknesh Silvalingam for a presentation on Christian themes in movies. Viknesh will talk about his faith and being a filmmaker. He will show film clips and help us see how films incorporate Christian themes. 

Please welcome Rachel Friedland as St. Mark's new accountant and bookkeeperRachel can be contacted for any questions regarding donations, statements, or finance inquiries. She will be on site twice a week and checking e-mails regularly. Please contact her at

Luther trip - Pr. Elizabeth and 25 members/friends of St. Mark's 
Today, Nov. 1, the group is visiting the Wartburg Castle in Eisenach where Luther worked on a translation of the New Testament. In the castle, the group will view Luther's study, the Reformation room and the lovely paintings by Lucas Cranach the Elder, an important artist in Luther's time. Later that day, the group travels to Erfurt, where Luther was ordained and lived in the Augustinian Monastery. Finally, the group visits st. George Church where Luther preached. Please keep these travelers in your prayers. They return Nov. 9 after 10 days in Germany.

Bakers needed! 
Interested in making communion bread?  This easy recipe is available on the St. Mark's website at  Contact Pr. Elizabeth if you are interested in this ministry.

What is Journeys in Faith?  
Come down to coffee hour and find out.
Learn about this opportunity to set aside time this Fall and Winter for reflection on our faith and faith community.  Journey with others who are considering joining St. Mark's, being baptized, or affirming their baptism.  You'll find members of the Journeys in Faith team at a table in Heritage Hall during coffee hours.  All questions are welcome.  Contact Liv Beck ( for more information.

Cordero de Dios and Salvadoran Lutheran Encuentro Visit
November 1-6, 2015

Liv Beck and Mary Ritter will travel to El Salvador on November 1st for the Salvadoran Lutheran Encuentro and a visit to Cordero de Dios, our companion church in the Salvadoran Lutheran Church. We hope to bring greetings to our friends at Cordero de Dios, and to meet with other congregations from around the world who are in relationship with Salvadoran Lutherans. We will return November 6th and will share information from our sister parish. Liv and Mary will be available in Heritage Hall this Sunday October 25 at 10am and at 12:15pm to talk about the trip. We will take the book prepared by Allana Helland and congregation members after Pastor Norma's death. Let us know if you have anything else to send to Pastor Rafael and the Cordero de Dios congregation. 

Mosaic television show airs Nov. 8 
Pastor Elizabeth debuted as host of the Mosaic television show by interviewing Rita Semel and Michael Pappas, Executive Director of the SF Interfaith Council. The show will air on KPIX at 5:00 a.m. Nov. 8. Women’s Monthly Study Gatherings All women are welcome to come and study together at our evening and/or morning Women of the ELCA Gatherings. In November our groups will meet on: Second Tuesday - November 10 from 11:00am to 1:00pm in the Fireside Room All women are invited to come for study at 11:00 and then at noon to eat their sandwich or salad and share fellowship. Drinks and dessert will be provided. This year our focus will be on Slow Faith by Liv Larson Andrews and our program topic for November is “Tempo Giusto.” Evening Gathering - November 10 from 6:30pm to 8:30pm in the Fireside Room All women are invited to come for dessert and fellowship for the first half hour and then discussion until 8:30. This month we will be reading chapters 9 - 16 of Transformative Lutheran Theologies: Feminist, Womanist & Mujerista Perspectives by Mary Steufert. Third Sunday - November 15 from 10:10 to 10:50 in the Conference Room All women are invited to come for Bible study from the Women of the ELCA’s Gather Magazine. The topic will be “Tempo Giusto.” Some copies of the magazine are available from Suzanne Smith or a WELCA leader. If you have any questions, please contact Suzanne Smith at 415.285.7438 or

Pictures of St. Mark's Events
We are currently working on updating our website and we would like to include some pictures of St. Mark's members, ministries, and events. Please send any photos to Stefani Lawrence at

Donate Flowers in 2015
St. Mark's members and friends can sign up to donate flowers for the chancel on a Sunday by placing your name on the chart for the Sunday you wish. Your donation can be in memory of a loved one or in honor of a particular occasion. Please go to  for our online chart to sign up or sign up on the flower donation chart posted in the hallway across from the church kitchen.

The donation is $50 and can be paid via check in the offering plate. Please note "Flowers" in the memo of the check.  If you would like to submit your payment online please click on the donate tab on the main page on St. Mark's website and enter your flower donation under the "other" option and write flowers in the box. 

Nominating Committee
We are seeking candidates for council positions on the ballot for our 2016 election which will be held at the annual meeting on January 31, 2016.  Please contact Lisa Gray, Liv Beck or Bill Mooney if you are interested in candidacy or would like to learn more about the position.

Traffic Rerouted and Reduced Parking for Van Ness Avenue
Closure: November 13-15
Van Ness Avenue will be closed the weekend of November 13-15 to complete work on the tunnel connecting the hospital and medical office building on the future California Pacific Medical Center campus at Geary and Van Ness.

The closure begins at 12:01 am Friday, November 13th. Northbound traffic will be redirected to Franklin Street. Southbound traffic will be redirected to Gough Street. Parking on one side of both Franklin and Gough will be removed to accommodate the increased traffic. 

Traffic routing will return to normal late in the evening of Sunday, November 15th.

Worship Leaders This Sunday
Preacher and Presiding Minister...Rev. Tita Valeriano
Director of Music...Dr. Tim Zerlang
Assisting Ministers...Richard Boyle (9); Phil Krikau (11) 
Lectors...Diane Villeno (9); Jo Chadwick (11) 
Chalice Bearers...Mark Semonian (9) 
Acolytes...Clovis Curl, Katharine Lam
Sacristan and Altar Guild...Richard Boyle
Ministry of Welcome...Linda R. Jackson (9); Kimberly and David Lam, Pam Cheung, Pedro Ospina, Linda R. Jackson (11) 
Coffee Hour Chairs...Andrew Sallach
Next week Coffee Hour Chair...Susie Smith and Fred Blickle