June 26, 2016

Sixth Sunday After Pentecost

We have no good apart from God. That makes our Lord’s call to follow him an invitation to freedom. This is freedom to revel in the Spirit’s fruits: love, joy, peace, patience, and the like.
This is the path of life.

Join Us This Sunday

9:00 am - Holy Communion with Children’s Time - Sanctuary
10:00 am - Refreshments and Fellowship Hour - Heritage Hall
11:00 am - Holy Eucharist Worship Service - Sanctuary

12:15 pm - Refreshments and Fellowship Hour - Heritage Hall

San Francisco Pride 2016
Please mark your calendar for Sunday, June 26th for the 2016 San Francisco Pride Parade Celebration. This year’s theme is Pride for Racial and Economic Justice.  

We had a great group last year and would love to have an even larger group this year from St. Mark’s walking with our local ReconcilingWorks chapter, the Bishop’s Associate Nancy Nelson, as well as other RIC churches. Come walk the talk of welcome!!

Parade participants can meet with ReconcilingWorks in the Parade lineup on Sunday.   **Specific information will be provided when we receive our placement in the parade, a few days prior.  We’ll make our way down Market Street spreading welcome and inclusion for everyone!

  • Dress comfortably for the parade, you will be walking 10 blocks
  • Wear sunscreen, a hat, and have water 
  • Join the Sierra Pacific Chapter of ReconcilingWorks on facebook for late-breaking updates on parade day (including where we are meeting!): www.facebook.com/groups/reconcilingworkssp
  • Consider donating to defray the cost of our parade entry and RIC congregation placards! Send a check to 565 Vallejo Street #25, San Francisco, CA 94133-4083

Safe Congregation Training - All Are Encouraged to Attend
Are you interested in learning more about how St. Mark’s keeps our congregation safe for all members - especially children, youth, elders, and dependent adults? Please attend Safe Congregation Training on Sunday, July 10 from 9:15-10:45 AM in the Fireside Room. All staff and volunteers who work with children and youth are required to attend a training every three years. This training is strongly recommended for our ushers and parents. Please contact Marisa Lee (louie@stmarks-sf.org) or call the church office (415-928-7770) if you would like to participate.

Have You Heard About Our Endowment Fund?
Apply for a Grant to Bring Innovative Service Ideas to our Community.  St. Mark’s recently established an Endowment Fund which distributes grants to further our ability to do God’s work with our hands both locally and around the world. Because the Endowment Fund supports projects specifically outside of the congregation’s annual budget, these grants help to pioneer and bring new ideas for how we serve our community. Apply online: www.stmarks-sf.org/endowment 

Calling all Singers!
If you have ever thought about singing in the choir here at St. Mark’s, next Sunday, July 3 is your chance to give it a try.  You will be made to feel welcome and appreciated.  There is no audition required, just the requirement that you be willing to bring your best effort to this very important ministry.  We will meet in the balcony to rehearse at 10:10 am, and will sing during the 11 am service.  Join us

Office Manager for St. Mark’s
We are seeking an office manager to be a leader and effective member of the St. Mark’s staff. Please help our recruiting process by sharing the job announcement in your community and networks:  http://www.stmarks-sf.org/jobs/ Questions? Please speak with Susan Sall (14susansall@gmail.com) of the Human
Resources Committee.

Donate Flowers in 2016
St. Mark’s members and friends can sign up to donate flowers for the chancel on a Sunday by placing your name on the chart for the Sunday you wish. Your donation can be in memory of a loved one or in honor of a particular occasion. Please go to http://www.stmarks-sf.org/flower-donations/ to sign up on our
online chart. If you are unable to sign up online please call the office (415-928-7770).

The donation is $50 and can be paid via check in the offering plate. Please note “Flowers” in the memo of the check. If you would like to submit your payment online please click on the donate tab on the main page on St. Mark’s website and enter your flower donation under the “other” option and write flowers in the box. 

Mosaic show with Pr Elizabeth
The next show airs on Sunday, July 10 @ 5:00 a.m on KPIX . She interviews Bishop Marc Andrus of the Episcopal Diocese of California on this week’s episode.

Pastoral Care during the summer months
Both Pastor Tita and Pr. Elizabeth will be taking vacations during the summer.  They have arranged their schedules so one of them is available for pastoral care in the event of any emergency.

Please contact the church office to ask which Pastor is available.  In the event that both of them are not available, our Visitation Pastor, Rev. Chuck Lewis, is also on-call and can be reached at (415) 956-2069

Grace Gathering, New Orleans, August 10-13
The 500th anniversary of the Reformation is an opportunity to rejoice in the life-giving, liberating power of the gospel. As part of the observance, we invite you to attend the Grace Gathering, in partnership with the 2016 ELCA Churchwide Assembly. This will be an opportunity to experience the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) when gathered as the ELCA Churchwide Assembly, prepare for further observances of the 500th anniversary and reflect on how the Reformation can continue to guide us today. For more registration and more information go to: http://www.elca.org/gracegathering/Gathering-Details

Interfaith Calendar and Activities in the Bay Area
Check out the websites - www.interfaith-presidio.org and www.sfinterfaithcouncil.org which highlight Interfaith events and activities throughout the Bay Area.  There are many to choose from as we continue to take the first steps in getting to know our Interfaith neighbors.  

Produce Market on the Square
Support our community market! Please come and purchase fresh fruit, vegetables and herbs every Wednesday from 11am-12pm in the Urban Life Center Auditorium! The market is co-sponsored by Episcopal Senior Communities and Martin Luther Tower.

Weekly Announcement Inserts
Please click the links below to see the inserts for this week.
FEW Committee Update
ELCA Advocacy Action Alert

Worship Leaders This Sunday

Assisting Ministers...Liv Beck (9); Greg Jahnke, Phil Krikau (11)
Lectors...Barbara McCormick (9); Diana Gomez (11)
Chalice Bearers...Omer Voss (9); Nadine Robinson (11)
Acolyte...Linda Jackson
Sacristan and Altar Guild...Richard Boyle, Ed Chitty
Ministry of Welcome...Louis Gutierrez (9); John Elford, Sarah Wentker (11)
Coffee Hour Chairs...Diana and Greg Gomez
Next Week Coffee Hour Chairs...Gail Culp, Cal Culp, and Phil Krikau

Prayers of the Parish

Cassie Allen
Debbie Brant & Ted Bernardi
Pastor Raymond H. Birkel
Diana Bock
Natalie E. Bock
Riley Brooks
Lee Bryan
Michelle Chernock
Corrine Cottrell
Marilyn Desmond
Bonnie Elliot
haron Furiosi

Marilyn Grimstad
Jack Heiter
Carolyn Johnson
Taylor Jones
Arnold Lehmann
Margaret Massialas
Roderick Mobley
Stan Moeller
Lee & Irma Opitz
Ryan Parker
Cassie Pili
Lew Randall

Marc Randall
Pr. John Rutsindintwarane
Travis Schwartz
Matt Seiples
Justin Stevenson
LaVonne Strutz, mother of Geri Bailey
Dana Utz
Carl Velleno
Jerry Witherspoon
Brent Wolfe 


We pray for the Orthodox Church’s historic Great and Holy Council of primates who are meeting June 16-27 in Crete.  Lord, grant them illumination and guidance of the Holy Spirit upon their deliberations, and the grace and blessing of the Holy Trinity.

For all military personnel, especially Will Lehmann  

For the growing families of St. Mark’s, especially those who hope for andthose who are expecting children  

For the Kigali Parish of the Lutheran Church of Rwanda

For the Cordero de Dios congregation in El Salvador  

For our Missionary, Pastor Kate Warn, YAGM coordinator in Rwanda  

For all Christians in the Holy Land, especially Bethlehem  

For the people of Burma and Thailand

For the Kindergarten Cynthia Espinoza in Paraguay  

For MLT Residents who are hospitalized or in hospice care  

Every effort is made to keep the Prayers of the Parish current. 
Please email Lawrence@stmarks-sf.org to add, remove or update a name on the prayer list.