June 22, 2014

Join us this Sunday!
9:00 am - Holy Communion with Children's Time
10:00 am - Refreshments
10:00 am - Organ Presentation
11:00 am - Choral Eucharist
12:15 pm - Refreshments, Fellowship and Presentation by Pr. John Rutsindintwarane

Organ basics this Sunday at 10 am in the balcony
Why does our organ have two keyboards? What is an organ stop? What does 8', 4', 2 2/3' mean? Do you really play the organ with your feet? Why is mechanical key and stop action a good thing? What is it? I thought the organ was fine before it was finished last Fall - What did they do to it then? What makes our Taylor and Boody organ special?
Come to the balcony in the sanctuary this Sunday at 10:00 am and all of these questions and more will be answered. Get a tour of the organ, inside and out, become familiar with organ basics and learn a bit more about what an organist is actually doing at the organ during a worship service or concert.
Rwandan Pastor John Rutsindintwarane to visit this Sunday
Pr. John R. will join St. Mark's in worship this Sunday and bring updated information about work with the poor in Mumeya, Kigali and Nyange in Rwanda. The clinic has been built - now the Mumeya community is working to get water and electricity. Women in Nyange are making and selling tiles for roofs, and women and youth in Kigali are learning about job skills. All this is happening through the work of PICO Rwanda. St. Mark's supports PICO Rwanda. Mary Ritter and Pr. Bekah will visit the projects in August on behalf of the congregation. Plan to listen to Pr. John's presentation this Sunday in Heritage Hall at 12:15pm.
Calling all LGBT Lutherans & friends from the Sierra Pacific Synod!
Join ReconcilingWorks as we share God's inclusive love by walking in the San Francisco Pride Parade on June 29. Sign-up at http://bit.ly/rwsppridemarch or email Cora at rosecora@gmail.com.
Register Now for Summer Day Camp at St. Mark's, June 30- July 4
There is still room to join us for a week of faith-based fun, June 30-July 4. Cost is $90 and full scholarships are available. | Age range: Youth who have completed Kindergarten through 6th grade. For more details and registration forms, please visit www.stmarks-sf.org.
Donation Requests for Day Camp Service Project
Our Day Camp program has been partnering with Lutheran World Relief to send school kits to children in need all over the world. Volunteers all over Northern California graciously sew the school bags, Day Camp sites and campers collect school supplies and Day Campers assemble the kits. This is a great way for our children to help children like them who otherwise would not be able to go to school. There will be a box placed in Heritage Hall to accept donations of the following: 70-sheet notebooks, pencil sharpener, 30 cm ruler (not inches), blunt scissors, #2 pencils, blue or black ball point pens, box of 16 or 24 crayons, 2 1/2 inch erasers (not decorative). 
How can you support St. Mark's Day Camp? June 30-July 4
Dinner for Counselors. Would you like to treat our wonderful counselors to dinner and show them true St. Mark's hospitality? Our Day Camp staff needs dinner each night. After the meal, the counselors will return to their overnight "host" homes. These meals do not need to be fancy (everybody loves pizza!).
Morning Snack. Can you provide a simple morning snack for campers? St. Mark's will need to provide a healthy morning snack for each child. You do not need to be present to serve the snack - you are free to drop it off ahead of time and we will be happy to serve it!
Lunch Service for Counselors. Can you prepare and serve lunch? Sign up for one day or two. Campers will bring their own sack lunches, but St. Mark's will be providing lunch for the Mt. Cross counselors.
If you can support us with any of these needs please contact Pr. Bekah Davis through St. Mark's office or Kimberly Hamilton-Lam (415-565-9561 or email mjjkmom@yahoo.com). Thank you!
Mt. Cross - go the 2nd Mile and support our camp!
Mt. Cross is our Lutheran camp in Northern California. Located in the coastal redwood forest of the Santa Cruz mountain, it offers summer cam opportunities for all ages. Mt. Cross camp staff also provide staff and leadership for our own St. Mark's Day Camp for children June 30 - July 4.  You can support Mt. Cross by writing a check to St. Mark's and noting Mt. Cross in the memo line. Donations can also be given online through St. Mark's.--St. Mark's Social Ministry
Voices: A Readers Theatre with Singers of the Street, June 29
All are welcome to attend a special Night Ministry event on Sunday, June 29, at 4 pm at St. Mark's: Voices of Economic Hardship from Generations Past and Present is a story of coping in hard times in America, in the last century and up to the present day. Some readers will be people we serve. Then listen to Singers of the Street: A choir of San Franciscans affected by homelessness and those who support them. Founded in 2010, now directed by Garry Hanna, S.O.S. raises its voice for justice, healing and joy. Free admission to all!  The afternoon is one of six special events to celebrate the 50th anniversary of San Francisco Night Ministry.
Summer Book Study on Sunday mornings: July 6, 13, 20 and 27
Auditorium, 10:05 - 10:50
Join Pastors Elizabeth and Bekah for a lively discussion on Rev. Mitri Raheb's newest book, "Faith in the Face of Empire" It is a challenging view of how the reality of empire shapes the context of the biblical story and the ongoing experience of the Middle East conflict. For Mitri, faith in God is the hope that there is something greater than empire. Jesus embodied that hope, and Mitri spells out Jesus' political program in relation to the Roman Empire of his time, its relevance for his community, and the political values relevant for the Middle East, past and present.
Do you love to arrange flowers?
If so, we need volunteers to purchase and arrange flowers for Sunday morning services. The budget is $50, paid by the donor for that Sunday and Flower Mart badges are provided by St. Mark's. If you would like to take part in this important ministry, please let Louis Gutierrez (twopugs98@yahoo.com) or the church office know. Our two flower arrangers, Louis Gutierrez and Sharon Reinbott will do some demonstrations to help newcomers to this ministry.
Trip to Cordero de Dios with St. Mark's in November 2014
The El Salvador group at St. Mark's will travel morning to Cordero de Dios on Tuesday November 25 (probably around 12:30am), and return Sunday evening, November 30. We encourage all parishioners, including families with children, to consider making this trip to walk with our brothers and sisters in Soyapango, El Salvador. Come join us for this family friendly pilgrimage. We ask that potential travelers make a final commitment by August 1. Talk to Pastor Elizabeth, Pastor Bekah, Liv Beck beckliv@gmail.com or Mary Ritter mlrpeds@aol.com if you have questions or are ready to commit to go. -St. Mark's El Salvador Committee
Potential Trip to Luther sites in Germany in October 2015
Join Pastor Elizabeth and Pastor Hans on this special trip to Germany as we celebrate the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. We will begin our 11 day pilgrimage in the Rhine Valley and end our travels in Munich. In between we will visit some of the most "famous" sites where Martin Luther lived, preached, nailed his 95 Theses, taught, was born and died. From the lovely town of Leipzig home to the 13th century Thomas Church immortalized by Bach to Augsburg where Luther defended his 95 Theses, we will travel together, dine on wonderful German cuisine, and explore our Reformation faith. The tentative dates for this trip are a departure on Oct. 30 and a return to San Francisco on Nov. 9. To make this trip work, we need a minimum of 21 participants. Friends are welcome. For more information, please contact Pr. Elizabeth at Ekdale@stmarks-sf.org and 415 928-7770 ext. 2300.
Butterfly Habitat Enhancement on July 12
JOIN US for a service project for the Butterfly Habitat Enhancement and Trial Project at Strawberry Hill/Golden Gate Park on Saturday, July 12, 2014 from 10-2 pm, sponsored by the SF Thrivent Chapter Board.  Picnic lunch and refreshments will be provided. Please call Rev. Stacey Siebrasse to reserve a spot and lunch at (415) 547-9661.
Interfaith Council Blood Drive on July 19 & 26
The Interfaith Council, in conjunction with the American Red Cross, is sponsoring a Blood Drive, to be held on successive Saturdays in July -- July 19 at the Mormon Chapel at the NW corner of Pacific and Gough in Pacific Heights, and July 26 at St Mary's Cathedral at the SW corner of Van Ness and Gough on Cathedral Hill.  Sign-up online at Redcrossblood.org, passcode InterfaithCommunity (no space); Or call 1-800-red-cross (1-800-733-2767). The coordinator of the July 19 drive at the Mormon Chapel is Paul Larsen: paulmlarsen@gmail.com.   
Away for the weekend?  Worship Wednesday evening instead!
Imagine 30 minutes of peaceful music, lovely candlelight, thoughtful reflections, and Holy Communion in our beautiful sanctuary streaming with the light of the setting sun.  You don't have to imagine it - come and experience it every Wednesday evening at 6:45 in the sanctuary. 
Do you have any housing leads for members of St. Mark's?
Affordable housing is a concern for all residents in the Bay Area. We have a special interest at St. Mark's. Each year, beloved members of St. Mark's move out of the area due to lack of affordable housing. We'd like to utilize the power of the St. Mark's network to share possible leads with these families. Currently, we have the following affordable housing needs:
1.  An active couple at St. Mark's is looking to purchase a condominium in SF for approx. $600,000. 
2. An active couple at St. Mark's is looking for affordable ($1,500 a month) rental near transit or to buy; their buy budget is no greater than $200,000.
If you have a piece of property that you might be willing to sell or have any leads for these two families, please e-mail Pr. Elizabeth at Ekdale@stmarks-sf.org. She will connect the two parties together. Thank you. 
The Bible Tutor
This award-winning interactive study tool takes you on an engaging, comprehensive journey through the Bible. You can test your knowledge as you go with Bible Tutor's self-test. Bible Tutor, developed at Luther Seminary, allows you to follow a planned course of study or tailor your studies according to your own interests or schedule. The Synod Resource Center has purchased the license for this program for one year. The username is Luther and the password is grace.
Interfaith Food Pantry Dates
The Interfaith Food Pantry is held every Saturday at the Old First Presbyterian Church. Here are the St. Mark's dates in 2014: July 12th, August 16th, October 4th and November 15th. All Faiths Dates in 2014: June 21st, August 23rd, October 11th, December 6th. For more info, contact Wendy Figliuolo at Northern.cal@gmail.com.
Worship Leaders for this Sunday
Assisting Ministers...Liv Beck (9); Ana Hurley, Ed Chitty (11)
Lectors...Suzanne Smith (9); Mary Ritter (11)
Chalice Bearers...Lisa Gray (9); Jane Borg, Jo Chadwick (11)
Acolytes...Emma Gray (9); Nora Hurley, Linda Jackson (11)
Refreshment Hour Chairs...Cal & Gail Culp, Philip Krikau