Join Us This Sunday
9:00 am — Holy Communion with Children’s Time — Sanctuary
10:00 am— Refreshments—Heritage Hall
11:00 am — Choral Eucharist — Sanctuary
12:15 pm — Refreshments & Fellowship Hour— Heritage Hall
New Staff!
We are delighted to welcome new people to the St. Mark's staff.
Please welcome Stefani Lawrence as our new Communications/Media coordinator. Stefani has a strong background in fine arts and graphics and will be working on all St. Mark's publications, social media presence, website maintenance and more. She will also serve as the Administrative Assistant in our office. You can contact her at;and ext. 2260.
Chiara DeJoy is our new Events Administrator. She will be promoting and booking events, weddings, receptions, and groups in our church space. She will also be maintaining the church calendar - so if you need to reserve a meeting room, contact her directly.
You can reach Chiara at We are working on setting up an extension for her.
We are still completing the interview process for our Finance/Office Manager. We hope to have good news to share soon. In the meantime, please welcome Stefani and Chiara to our church staff.
Donate Flowers in 2015
The 2015 Flower donation chart is posted in the hallway across from the church kitchen. St. Mark's members and friends can sign up to donate flowers for the chancel on a Sunday by placing your name on the chart for the Sunday you wish. Your donation can be in memory of a loved one or in honor of a particular occasion. The donation is $50 and can be paid via check in the offering plate. Please note "Flowers" in the memo of the check.
Bakers needed! Interested in making communion bread? This easy recipe is available on the St. Mark's website. Contact Pr. Elizabeth if you are interested in this ministry.
Interfaith Food Pantry
Each year, St. Mark's - along with several other churches - rotates on a weekly basis to distribute food to the needy at Old First Presbyterian Church (1751 Sacramento Street near Van Ness Avenue.) We are looking for at least 12 volunteers for each session to help. The dates for 2015 are
Saturdays, June 27, Aug. 8, Sept. 26 and Nov. 7.
The time commitment is from 7:30am-10:30am. Visit to sign up or for more information.
Email Updates
We are in the process of updating our newsletter and electronic announcement mailing system. If you haven't been receiving the newsletter and weekly announcements and would like to please send your current email address to
Summer Knitting and Crocheting Retreats:
Learn How or Share Your Skills
The knitting and crochet ministry at St. Mark's will have three retreats this Summer. All are welcome, regardless of your level of experience. If you would like to learn how to knit or crochet, experienced teachers will be on hand to get you started.
At each retreat we will have presentations on different projects created by members of the ministry to serve members of St. Mark's and the broader community:
July 18th - Knitting and Crocheting for the Streets
August 15th - Comfort Knitting and Twiddle Muffs
Each retreat will be in Heritage Hall, from 10 AM to 2 PM. Each participant is encouraged to bring a bagged lunch and a snack to share. Questions should be directed to
These retreats are made possible with the generous support of Thrivent Action Teams.
News from Mt. Cross Lutheran Camp
Registration is now open for summer programs at Mt. Cross! This year's theme, "A Love that Never Ends", centers around discussion of Deuteronomy 6:5 and what it means to love as God loves. Visit the Mt. Cross website to view a list of exciting programming options for children, youth groups, and families:!summer-programs/c3vgÂ
St. Mark's Endowment Fund Request for Funding Forms Now Available
Dream it! Make it happen! Have an idea for a new ministry? Want to extend our reach doing God's work in San Francisco and around the world? If you can dream it, the Endowment Fund can help to make it happen! The Endowment Committee is delighted to announce that grants up to a total of $3,600 will be given to extend St. Mark's ministries both locally and globally. The 2015 Request for Funding is available on the web at or by emailing Copies are also on the table under the window in Heritage Hall. The application deadline is July 19, 2015. Have questions? Need help completing the form? Contact us at
House Meetings!
The Council is pleased to announce that St. Mark's will begin a series of house meetings this summer and continuing into the fall. Over the last two years the Council participated in three training sessions with Joaquin Sanchez of the Bay Area Organizing Committee. Joaquin taught us valuable skills aimed at strengthening relationships within our congregation. This past February we focused on House Meetings. House Meetings have three purposes: 1) to connect members within the community, 2) to identify talent within the community, and 3) identify growth areas and solutions to issues within the community. Using information gained from the recent Time and Talent survey, ministry team leaders will invite Time and Talent Survey Respondents to participate in house meetings focused at specific ministries? Didn't complete a Time and Talent Survey? Don't worry! Everyone is invited to participate! The first house meeting, focused on Sunday School, will take place Sunday, June 7, at 10:15 a.m. Please contact Lisa Gray if you wish to participate.
Worship Leaders This Sunday
Guest Preacher...The Rev. Ron Glusenkamp
Assisting Ministers...Liv Beck (9); Kyle Schiefelbein, Linda Jackson (11)
Lectors...Deborah Halladay (9); Rachel Letchumanan (11)
Chalice Bearers...Jeremy McClain (9); Jane Borg, Viknesh Silvalingam (11)
Acolytes...Mila and Tayte Sall
Ministry of Welcome...Susan Sall and Omer Voss(9); Debra Varian (11)
Coffee Hour Chairs...Diana and Greg Gomez
Next week Coffee Hour Chair...Gail Culp, Cal Culp, and Phil Krikau