January 18, 2015

Join Us This Sunday

9:00 am - Holy Communion with Children's Time - Sanctuary
9:40 am - Sunday School Chapel - Conference Room
10:00 am - Sunday School - School Rooms
10:00 am - Refreshments - Heritage Hall

10:10 am - Adult Forum: Preview of Annual Meeting - Fireside Room
10:10 am - Journeys in Faith - Heritage Hall
11:00 am - Choral Eucharist - Sanctuary
12:15 pm - Refreshments & Fellowship Hour - Heritage Hall
5:00 pm - Interfaith Shelter Continues - Auditorium

Annual Congregational Meeting on Sunday, Jan. 25
Please plan to attend our annual meeting on Sunday, January 25, following the 11 amservice. Important actions at this meeting include approval of the 2015 budget, election of new council members, reports by the Pastors and Lay Leaders, and an exciting update on our elevator project.

Adult Forum
Adult Forum for Jan. 18 - Annual Meeting Preview
Members of the Church Council will distribute copies of the proposed budget, introduce candidates nominated for Council membership, and preview other items to be discussed at the Sunday, January 25, 2015 Annual Congregational Meeting.

Jan. 25 - Ecumenical Pilgrimage Journey
Come get a preview of our own Pastor Elizabeth's participation in the first Ecumenical Pilgrimage with ELCA Bishop Elizabeth Eaton. Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton has selected Pastor Elizabeth to join her and 8 other church leaders on her first visit to our ecumenical partners while she serves as an ambassador for this church.

Winter Shelter continues thru February 1, 2015
*Volunteers Needed!* The annual Interfaith Winter Shelter began at St. Mark's on January 11 and continues through February 1. Thanks to all those who have served so far! St. Mark's and other faith communities provide overnight housing, breakfasts and dinners to approximately 60 men each evening and morning in the Urban Life Center Auditorium. Please contact John Elford to volunteer at 415-648-4363 or at jbruceelford@gmail.com if you can help.

What is Journeys in Faith?  Come find out today!
Learn about this opportunity to spend this winter and Lent in a special time for reflection on our faith and faith community. Journey with others who are considering joining St Mark's, being baptized, or affirming their baptism this Easter. You'll find members of the Journeys in Faith team at a table in Heritage Hall from 10-11am on January 18. All questions are welcome. Contact Liv Beck (beckliv@gmail.com) for more information.  

Church Council Nominations
Several openings on this year's Church Council have become available as existing members of the current Council complete their term of service. Candidates for appointment to Council will be presented and voted on at the upcoming Congregational Annual Meeting on January 25. If you are interested in becoming a candidate for a position on St. Mark's Church Council please contact Liv Beck at beckliv@gmail.com, Brian Richards at brian.richards@thrivent.com or Lisa Gray at lisabgray@yahoo.com.

St. Mark's Stewardship Campaign - Update of Pledge Results
The Stewardship Committee at St. Mark's thanks the members and friends of our community of faith for their continued support.  We will endeavor to keep you informed of our pledge results by publishing updates in the Sunday bulletin throughout the end of the year. 

As of 01/14/15, pledges received to date total $392,060. Pledges have been received from 56% of giving units (each family equals one giving unit regardless of size). By comparison, last year's final pledge total was $408,376 with 63% of giving units making pledges.  Our current pledge totals do not include some members who have not yet filled out a pledge card but continue to faithfully pledge using the electronic Simply Giving method. If you use Simply Giving as your preferred method of pledging please take a moment to make us aware of your pledge. Proper budgeting requires an accurate pledge count.  You can confirm your pledge by emailing a brief note to our bookkeeper, Cheryl Garcia atgarcia@stmarks-sf.org or by filling out and returning a pledge card.

Prayer Service on Martin Luther King, Jr. Weekend
St. Cyprian's Episcopal Church invites all to a prayer service meditating on reconciliation, truth, and solidarity, as our communities work to dismantle racism and gun violence. The service will be held Sunday, January 18 at 1pm at St. Cyprian's (2097 Turk Street + Lyon, San Francisco). Sponsored by the Episcopal Diocese's Urban Peace Initiative.

Church Office Closed on Monday, Jan. 19 for MLK, Jr. Day
The office will reopen on Tuesday, Jan. 20.

SFIC March to Freedom on MLK, Jr. Day, Jan. 19
Meet at 4th and Townsend at 11 am and march to Yerba Buena Gardens. An interfaith ceremony will follow. For info, visit www.http://sfinterfaithcouncil.org 

Give Thrivent Choice Dollars® to St. Mark's Now!
Thrivent Financial members:  Please take a moment to direct your Choice Dollars to St. Mark's.  Thrivent just posted your Choice "earnings" through December.  Our Thrivent members at St. Mark's recently had $2,000 available to donate!!  Whether you have $10 or $20 or $200, please donate now!  You can check your Choice balance and donate online or by calling 800-THRIVENT (800-847-4836) and saying "Thrivent Choice."  Contact Omer Voss with questions, at omervoss@prodigy.net or on a Sunday morning.

Pro-Palestinian not Anti-Semitic
Curious? Find out more at a presentation following the mid-week service this Wednesday, the 21st of January, in Heritage Hall. Laurie Winestock, a member of Jewish Voice for Peace and an Israeli citizen, will lead discussion focusing on specific issues facing both the Christian faith community and the Jewish community regarding Palestine, the occupation, and personal struggles people have facing these challenges.

Donate Flowers in 2015
The 2015 Flower donation chart is posted in the hallway across from the church kitchen. St. Mark's members and friends can sign up to donate flowers for the chancel on a Sunday by placing your name on the chart for the Sunday you wish. Your donation can be in memory of a loved one or in honor of a particular occasion. The donation is $50 and can be paid via check in the offering plate. Please note "Flowers" in the memo of the check.

Interfaith Food Pantry
Each year, St. Mark's - along with several other churches - rotates on a weekly basis to distribute food to the needy at Old First Presbyterian Church (1751 Sacramento Street near Van Ness Avenue.) We are looking for at least 12 volunteers for each session to help. Won't you set aside some time in your schedule to help distribute food?  It is such a gratifying experience to see smiling faces to those in need. I guarantee it will light up your faces too. The dates for this coming 2015 are Saturdays Feb. 7March 28May 9June 27Aug. 8,Sept. 26 and Nov. 7. The time commitment is from 7:30am-10:30am. Please contact Mary Ritter (mlrpeds@aol.com) or John Eflord (jbruceelford@gmail.com) to sign up.

Journeys in Faith Leaders Needed!
The Journeys in Faith Team is looking for new members. If you are interested in joining us to plan for and lead the next Journeys in Faith group, please contact Suzanne Smith (suzathome@comcast.net) or Liv Beck (beckliv@gmail.com).  The next Journeys group will begin on February 1, 2015.  Thank you for considering this important service.

Time and Talent Survey
Your time and talents are valued gifts and your participation in the ministries and activities at St. Mark's is greatly needed!  Please take a few minutes to consider ways you can become more involved in our community and complete the survey found on the link below. This is a general link to the survey and can be used by multiple individuals so please forward to other family members and St. Mark's friends. The survey is also available in a paper format if preferred and copies are available in Heritage Hall and the church office. Please let us know your interests and ways you can help our community thrive by completing the survey today! http://tinyurl.com/n96kxhf

Giving Opportunity - Books for St. Mark's Nursery
St. Mark's nursery is a place where young children can learn about Christ's love through relationships, play, -- and through books. Our nursery is in need of books with Bible themes for children ages 0-6. Help us purchase additional books by writing a check to St. Mark's and write "nursery books" in the memo line or put your donation into an envelope on the hymnal rack and write "nursery books". You can also go to St. Mark's homepage, click on "DONATE", and designate your gift to "nursery books". http://www.stmarks-sf.org/give-a-gift/

Lands of Luther Tour, Oct. 30-Nov. 9, 2015
Join Pastor Elizabeth and Pastor Hans on this special trip to Germany as we celebrate the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. For a brochure and more information contact Pastor Elizabeth at 415.928.7770 ext. 2300 (office) or 415.846.4340 (cell). You can email her atekdale@stmarks-sf.org. Space is limited so plan to book early.

Housing Needed
A friend of St. Mark's, a quiet professional, is in need of housing short or long-term in San Francisco (or the Peninsula/east bay). She can be reached at 415.730.6475.

Worship Leaders for this Sunday
Assisting Ministers...Liv Beck (9); Philip Krikau, Richard Boyle (11)
Lectors...Randy Schieber (9); Marlo Tellschow (11)
Chalice Bearers...Lin Cerles, Matt Helland (9); Kimberly Hamilton-Lam (11)
Acolytes...Linda Jackson, Astra Varian
Welcome Ministry...Susan Sall, Omer Voss (9); Debbie Varian (11)
Refreshment Hour Chairs...Brandee Marckmann, Bill Mooney, Kathy Lautz