January 10, 2016

Baptism of Our Lord

Join Us This Sunday
The Baptism of Our Lord cannot help but recall our own and all baptismal blessings. We recall and celebrate our adoption as daughters and sons, the gift of the Holy Spirit, and the promised company of almighty God when we "pass through the waters . . . the rivers . . . fire." On this day the heavens open again, for this assembly, and we receive the gift of the beloved Son of God in bread and wine.

9:00 am - Holy Communion with Children's Time - Sanctuary
9:45 am  - Sunday School - School Rooms

10:00 am - Refreshments and Fellowship Hour - Heritage Hall
10:05 am - Confirmation - Heritage Hall
10:05 am  - Adult Forum: Journeys in Faith-Open House - Auditorium
11:00 am - Choral Eucharist Worship Service - Sanctuary
12:30pm - Refreshments and Fellowship Hour - Heritage Hall

Installation of Pr. Rebecca Swee this Sunday!

Everyone is invited to attend the installation of Pr. Rebecca Swee at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Burlingame at 2:00.  Pr. Ekdale is the preacher for this festive service.  Pr. Swee served as an intern at St. Mark's in 2014 and has been called to serve Good Shepherd Lutheran Church as their pastor.  Address is 301 Burlingame Ave. in Burlingame. 

The Adult Forum for Jan. 10: Journeys in Faith-Open House
Head over to the Fireside room and join the Journeys in Faith gathering.  The group will spend time reading and reflecting on this Sunday's Gospel text and then engage in a conversation about the Holy Spirit.  This is a wonderful opportunity for all to experience what Journeys in Faith is all about.

St Marks will be hosting the Winter Shelter staring on
Sunday January 17th through Saturday February 6th.
We need volunteers to serve dinner, 6:00 PM - 7:45 PM
We need volunteers to prepare and serve  breakfast 5:15 AM - 7:30 AM

Please contact John Elford at 415-490-7966 if you can help with this very essential ministry.

St. Mark’s Annual Congregational Meeting
As a member of St. Mark's you are encouraged to attend our annual congregational meeting on Sunday, the 31st of January, starting immediately after the 11 o'clock worship service. A quorum is necessary to vote on several important items.

During this meeting the congregational council will present a proposal for the scope of work to be undertaken with the funds raised from the 2016-2019 Capital Fund Drive. There will also be votes to approve the 2016 operating budget and to elect members of the congregational council.

The Adult Forum at 10:05 AM on the preceding Sunday, January 24th, will focus on the operating budget and the proposed projects for the capital campaign. This will be an opportunity for you to learn and ask questions about St. Mark's missions and ministry for the coming year and into the years to come.

Women's Monthly Study Gatherings
All women are welcome to come and study together at our evening and/or morning Women of the ELCA Gatherings.  In January our groups will meet on:

Second Tuesday - January 12 from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm in the Fireside Room
All women are invited to come for study at 11:00 and then at noon to eat their sandwich or salad and share fellowship.  Drinks and dessert will be provided.  Our winter study is on the Philippians and our program topic is "Confidence in God's Beginning and Ending."

Third Sunday Bible Study - January 17 from 10:10 to 10:50 in the Conference Room
All women are invited to come for Bible study from the Women of the ELCA's Gather Magazine.  Our winter study is on the book of Philippians and our monthly topic is "Confidence in God's Beginning and Ending."

If you have any questions, please contact Suzanne Smith at 415.285.7438 or suzathome@comcast.net.

Restoring the Rose Window: A word from the Council President
The rose window on the north side of the church is bowing badly and has places where rain can come in. I find this particularly worrisome considering any leaks from that window can get water on the organ or even worse, in the organ. Since the storms will start (have started) before the council could evaluate the results of the capital campaign and propose projects to be funded, I looked into other ways to mitigate the risk. 

The best and most cost effective mitigation is to remove the window and put up a sealed protective barrier, which would be the first steps for restoring the window. Because it is an integral part of a wall that protects a valuable and expensive component of our worship at St. Mark's, I made a proposal, which the council approved, to begin restoring the rose window. 

Restoration of the art glass windows is a project we hope to fund with the capital campaign, I am concerned that actions taken before the congregation votes on scope of the capital campaign could seem the council made a premature assumption that the congregation will agree to restore the windows. That is not the case. 

The council addressed the rose window only and is using unrestricted funds from bequests and memorials to cover the initial payment to begin work on the rose window. Once it has the results from the capital campaign, the council will prepare a proposal for how to fund the remaining work. 

Jeremy McClain
President-St. Mark's Congregational Council

Pictures of St. Mark's Events
We are currently working on updating our website and we would like to include some pictures of St. Mark's members, ministries, and events. Please send any photos to Stefani Lawrence atlawrence@stmarks-sf.org.

Donate Flowers in 2016
St. Mark's members and friends can sign up to donate flowers for the chancel on a Sunday by placing your name on the chart for the Sunday you wish. Your donation can be in memory of a loved one or in honor of a particular occasion. Please go to http://www.stmarks-sf.org/flower-donations/  to sign up on our online chart. If you are unable to sign up online please call the office (415-928-7770).

The donation is $50 and can be paid via check in the offering plate. Please note "Flowers" in the memo of the check.  If you would like to submit your payment online please click on the donate tab on the main page on St. Mark's website and enter your flower donation under the "other" option and write flowers in the box.  

What is Journeys in Faith?  
We are forming a new group for Journeys in Faith!  You are invited to join us. Our Sunday gatherings start shortly after 10AM in the Fireside room.  Everyone is welcome to join in!  Learn about this opportunity to set aside time this Winter for reflection on our faith and faith community.  

Journey with others who are considering joining St Mark's, being baptized, or affirming their baptism.  All questions welcome.  Contact Liv Beck (beckliv@gmail.com).

Weekly Announcement Inserts
Please click the link below to see the inserts that went into the announcements this week.
Weekly Inserts

Worship Leaders This Sunday
Director of Music...Dr. Tim Zerlang
Assisting Ministers...Liv Beck (9); Ed Chitty, Linda Jackson(11) Lectors...Shannon Valenti Cheng (9) Joanne Chadwick (11) Chalice Bearers...Lisa Gray (9), Joanne Chadwick (11)

Acolytes...Mila and Tayte Sall      
Sacristan and Altar Guild...Richard Boyle, Ed Chitty
Ministry of Welcome...Randy Schieber (9); 
Viknesh Silvalingam, Rachel Latchumanan, Donna Dindia(11)
Coffee Hour Chairs.....Andrew Sallach  
Next week Coffee Hour Chairs...Susie Smith and Fred Blickle