Join Us This Sunday
9:00 am - Holy Communion with Children's Time - Sanctuary
10:00 am - Refreshments - Heritage Hall
10:00 am - Confirmation with First United Lutheran/St. Cyprian's - Narthex
10:10 am - Adult Forum - Whats New at PLTS? - Auditorium
11:00 am - Choral Eucharist - Sanctuary
12:15 pm - Refreshment and Fellowship Hour - Heritage Hall
Adult Forum
Dec. 21: What is new at Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary?
Come and find out about the changes at PLTS since the seminary merged with California Lutheran University! Seminary education is changing and PLTS is on the cutting edge of these changes. Everyone welcome!
Thank you for your support!
Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary of California Lutheran University (PLTS) fosters church leaders who enliven the church, serve the world, and advance the frontiers of theology. Founded in 1950, PLTS prepares graduates for the ever-changing challenges and opportunities they will face as our future pastors and leaders who serve in a diversity of places across the globe including congregations, hospitals, schools, non-profit organizations, the military and more. PLTS is a graduate school of California Lutheran University, a seminary of the ELCA, and a member of the Graduate Theological Union. For more information, please visit or call 510-559-2717. Thanks to the generous contributions of St. Mark's Lutheran Church, we can continue to provide training for church leaders. We are also very grateful the number of interns and teaching parish students you welcome from PLTS. You are invited to join Director of Seminary Relations Brian Stein-Webber for a conversation titled "What Every Seminarian Should Know" between services today.
Peace to all the Earth
This Christmas we pray for Peace in the Holy Land and around the world. Along with the lights and gold ornaments, today we add olive wood ornaments to our tree. As we hang these ornaments, we offer our prayers of peace. Help us buy these ornaments by writing a check to St. Mark's and in the memo line write "Christmas Ornaments" or put your donation in one of the envelopes that are in the hymnal racks and write "Christmas Ornaments."
Christmas Eve at St. Mark's
Christmas Eve worship is one of those mystical times in the life of our congregation. Please take advantage of this opportunity to invite people in your life - neighbors, co-workers, and extended family - to celebrate the birth of Christ in worship here at St. Mark's. The flyer in your bulletin and the St. Mark's facebook page are great ways to pass along worship times and details. Bring your loved ones to worship this Christmas Eve, there is room at the inn!
Sunday School News
Sunday School will resume January 4th. We will be making "Socks for the Homeless". Please bring toiletries, or other small items for the men at the homeless shelter. Each year the children at St. Marks stuff stockings with these items for the men.
St. Mark's Stewardship Campaign - Update of Pledge Results
The Stewardship Committee at St. Mark's thanks the members and friends of our community of faith for their continued support. We will endeavor to keep you informed of our pledge results by publishing updates in the Sunday bulletin throughout the end of the year.
As of 12/15/14, pledges received to date total $363,160. Pledges have been received from 49% of giving units (each family equals one giving unit regardless of size). By comparison, last year's final pledge total was $408,376 with 63% of giving units making pledges. Our current pledge totals do not include some members who have not yet filled out a pledge card but continue to faithfully pledge using the electronic Simply Giving method. If you use Simply Giving as your preferred method of pledging please take a moment to make us aware of your pledge. Proper budgeting requires an accurate pledge count. You can confirm your pledge by emailing a brief note to our bookkeeper, Cheryl Garcia at or by filling out and returning a pledge card.
Time and Talent Survey
Your time and talents are valued gifts and your participation in the ministries and activities at St. Mark's is greatly needed! Please take a few minutes to consider ways you can become more involved in our community and complete the survey found on the link below. This is a general link to the survey and can be used by multiple individuals so please forward to other family members and St. Mark's friends. The survey is also available in a paper format if preferred and copies are available in Heritage Hall and the church office. Please let us know your interests and ways you can help our community thrive by completing the survey today!
Join us for our Christmas Pageant at 5 pm on Dec. 24!
Check it out on Facebook:
Giving Opportunity - Books for St. Mark's Nursery
St. Mark's nursery is a place where young children can learn about Christ's love through relationships, play, -- and through books. Our nursery is in need of books with Bible themes for children ages 0-6. Help us purchase additional books by writing a check to St. Mark's and write "nursery books" in the memo line or put your donation into an envelope on the hymnal rack and write "nursery books". You can also go to and designate your gift to "nursery books".
Interfaith Bible Study - Everyone Welcome!
An Interfaith Bible Study, led by Pastoral Intern Rebecca Swee, concludes this week at Martin Luther Tower in the Brockie Lounge, Tuesday, Dec. 23 at 2 pm. Cider and cookies will be provided. All are welcome as we study the birth of Jesus. Should you have any questions, please talk with Intern Rebecca or contact her at
Lands of Luther Tour, Oct. 30-Nov. 9, 2015
Join Pastor Elizabeth and Pastor Hans on this special trip to Germany as we celebrate the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. For a brochure and more information contact Pastor Elizabeth at 415.928.7770 ext. 2300 (office) or 415.846.4340 (cell). You can email her at Space is limited so plan to book early.
Memorial Service for Jim Benson, January 11 at 2pm
On Sunday, January 11, there will be a memorial service for Jim Benson, St. Mark's member and former office volunteer. A reception will follow the service. All are welcome.
St. Mark's Staff Transitions
With Jun Ranches' departure on December 5, we would like to welcome Patricia Morales (, 415-928-7770 x2250) as our interim Office Manager. Patricia brings nearly twenty years of experience in administrative and property management to St. Mark's, and will be handling all daily office and facility-related responsibilities. Her schedule in the church office is Monday-Friday, 9:00 am-6:00 pm.
Jeremy McClain ( and Marisa Louie ( will also be filling in temporarily in the church office as we work towards a new staffing plan. Jeremy is our interim Events Administrator. Please contact him if your ministry group needs to reserve space for a meeting. Marisa will be assisting with Parish Life-related tasks such as event coordination, publicity and outreach, website updates, and providing general assistance in the office. Marisa can also help direct any questions and concerns to the appropriate staff member during this transition.