Join Us This Sunday
9:00 am - Holy Communion with Children's Time - Sanctuary
10:00 am - Refreshments and Fellowship Hour - Heritage Hall
10:15 am - Women's Bible Study - Conference Room
11:00 am - Choral Eucharist Worship Service - Sanctuary
12:15 pm - Refreshments and Fellowship Hour - Heritage Hall
2:00 pm - Ragazzi Concert - Sanctuary
Festival Epiphany Service
Wednesday, January 6, 7:00pm
Come and celebrate this ancient festival of the church, Epiphany. The Christmas decorations will still be up for this lovely communion service with special music. Bring white socks and place them under the Christmas tree as your offering alongside the Magi. These socks will be given to the
Lutheran Social Services office in the Tenderloin for distribution.
Holden Evening Prayer
Wednesdays in Advent at 6:45 "My heart shall sing of the day you bring. Let the fires of your justice burn. Wipe away all tears for the dawn is near, and the world is about to turn." This is the refrain of a famous paraphrased hymn of the Song Mary from Luke 2 set in an Irish traditional melody. It is powerful and gentle. With this at the heart of our waiting and anticipation in Advent we will gather using the meditative Holden Evening Prayer, while centering our reflection on paintings and essays of current women leaders in the North American Christian communities. This is based on the book, "Holiness and The Feminine Spirit: The Art of Janet McKenzie. Come every Wednesday and worship December 2, 9, 16, and 23 at 6:45 with simple refreshments afterwards. These Advent Mid-week Services with Holden Village Vespers are essential preparation for Christmas. Take a break from your week, take a breath, take time - Wednesdays at 6:45.
In Appreciation of our Pastoral Staff
The Mutual Ministry committee of Jo Chadwick, Brian Richards, Marge Oukley, and Susan Sall have presented our pastoral staff with festive gift baskets as a small symbol of the congregation's appreciation for their contributions to our worship lives. We
celebrate the work and many contributions of Pastors Elizabeth Ekdale, Tita Valeriano, Chuck Lewis, Lyle Beckman, and Hans Hoch. Feel free to share your personal appreciations with them as well.
St. Mark’s Office Christmas/New Year’s Hours
Please note the following Christmas/New Year’s hours for the St. Mark’s Office:
December 24 – 9am-12pm
December 25 – Closed
December 28-30 – 9am-1pm
December 31 – Closed
January 1 – Closed
Normal office hours (9am – 5pm) will resume on
Monday, January 4, 2016.
Improvements to the St. Mark’s Kitchen
Keep an eye out for improvements in the church kitchen in the new year. The old linoleum flooring will be replaced with new tile and some damaged under cabinets will be replaced with more functional stainless steel ones. The work will begin right after Christmas and will finish before the Interfaith Winter Shelter returns to St. Marks on January 17. Please be aware that the kitchen will not be available for use on Sunday, January 3 or Sunday, January 10.
We are also asking members to assist with the clean out of both refrigerators and freezers as they will be unplugged for the duration of the work. The clean out will take place December 27 and members will be asked to temporarily store some items in their home freezers if they have the space. Your assistance with this is greatly appreciated.
If you have questions about anything related to this work please contact Chiara or 415-928-7770.
Pictures of St. Mark's Events
We are currently working on updating our website and we would like to include some pictures of St. Mark's members, ministries, and events. Please send any photos to Stefani Lawrence at
Annual Interfaith Memorial Service
The San Francisco Night Ministry will be having a memorial service for the homeless who have passed away this year. The service will be held on the City Hall Steps (Polk Street Side), Monday, December 21, 2015 at 5:30pm. Please bring candles.
Donate Flowers in 2015
St. Mark's members and friends can sign up to donate flowers for the chancel on a Sunday by placing your name on the chart for the Sunday you wish. Your donation can be in memory of a loved one or in honor of a particular occasion. Please go to for our online chart to sign up or sign up on the flower donation chart posted in the hallway across from the church kitchen.
The donation is $50 and can be paid via check in the offering plate. Please note "Flowers" in the memo of the check. If you would like to submit your payment online please click on the donate tab on the main page on St. Mark's website and enter your flower donation under the "other" option and write flowers in the box.
National Cathedral in Washington, DC and Christmas Lutheran Church in
Bethlehem Simulcast their annual joint service
On Saturday, December 19 at 6 AM Pacific Time, the National Cathedral in Washington, DC and Christmas Lutheran Church in Bethlehem will simulcast their annual joint Christmas service. Prayers, readings and hymns alternate between the United States and Palestine via the Internet, bringing together people of different lands, languages and ethnic backgrounds in celebration of the birth of the Prince of Peace. To access the webcast,
Pr. Elizabeth hosting Mosaic television show
Sunday, Dec. 20 @ 5:00 a.m. KPIX Set your alarm and grab a cup of coffee in order to watch Pr. Elizabeth host the Mosaic Christmas show on television. Her guests include Pr. Maggi Henderson from Old First Presbyterian Church in SF and Mr. Larry Sly Director of the Contra Costa and Solano Counties Food Bank.
What is Journeys in Faith?
We are forming a new group for Journeys in Faith! You are invited to join us. Our Sunday gatherings start shortly after 10AM in the Fireside room. Everyone is welcome to join in! Learn about this opportunity to set aside time this Fall and Winter for reflection on our faith and faith community. Journey with others who are considering joining St Mark's, being baptized, or affirming their baptism. All questions welcome. Contact Liv Beck (
Weekly Announcement Inserts
Please click the link below to see the inserts that went into the announcements this week.
Weekly Inserts
Worship Leaders This Sunday
Director of Music...Dr. Tim Zerlang
Assisting Ministers...Sharon Reinbott (9); Phil Krikau, Linda Jackson (11)
Lectors...Barbara McCormick (9) Diana Gomez (11)
Chalice Bearers...Matt Helland (9) Kimberly Hamilton-Lam, Viknesh Silvalingam (11)
Acolytes...Mila and Tayte Sall
Sacristan and Altar Guild...Richard Boyle, Ed Chitty
Ministry of Welcome...Omer Voss (9) Debra Varian, Susan Sall (11)
Coffee Hour Chairs...Marie-Jose Baum and Kate Knickerbocker
Next week Coffee Hour Chairs...Barbara Bock