Because St. Mark's is a church, a wedding or a holy union solemnized by one of its pastors, in the church building, or elsewhere, is more than a civil ceremony; it is a part of the public ministry of the congregation. The scripture readings and prayers of the rite presume that those being united sincerely seek God's blessing on their life together. For this reason we ask those who come to St. Mark's for their wedding or holy union to meet with the pastor before the ceremony, usually in several sessions, so that he or she may counsel them in any personal, family, spiritual, or community issues that may be involved in their commitment. In these meetings the pastor will also explain the significance of asking God's blessing on their union and the strength and support that is available to them in this community of faith.
The pastors and people of St. Mark's welcome the opportunity to serve couples as they plan their life together, and the ceremony that symbolizes their commitment. We offer our ministry to them, and to the children they nurture through the years, as long as they live, and will remember them in our prayers as we worship together each Sunday morning.
Officiating the Ceremony
St. Mark's clergy will under normal circumstances officiate. Clergy of other Lutheran congregations may request to officiate here by letter to the co-pastors. Clergy of other denominations may assist the St. Mark's clergy.