It is clear from scripture that God intends that we should live together in responsible, loving, mutually interdependent families. We believe that God's blessing is given not only to heterosexual unions, but also to unions of two men or two women who pledge their love and commit their lives to each other. St. Mark's honors same-sex marriages just as we honor the marriage of a man and a woman. We consider the commitment of same-sex couples to be as serious and permanent a commitment as marriage. It is our conviction that the laws of the state and the customs of the churches will some day be changed.
A marriage, same-sex union, or domestic partnership may be formalized in a civil or private ceremony without the rites of the church, but we believe that is appropriate for Christians to make these vows before a pastor, in the presence of family, friends, and the community of faith. Solemnizing our promises in this context expresses our conviction that we recognize God's love for us and our need for God's grace. In our rites of blessing, we ask for God's continuing presence with us and with our relationships, that with God's help we may love one another more fully, and may be empowered by the Gospel to overcome whatever difficulties life may place before us. We also ask the prayers, support, and encouragement of the congregation, the faith community of which we are a part.