Because a large part of our congregation's identity centers around worship, we offer multiple opportunities for worship in Word and Sacrament. Our worship is not limited to Sunday morning; therefore, we offer a meditative liturgy during the week on Wednesday. The focus of this service is quiet and reflective, feeding us for the rest of the week. A typical Wednesday night liturgy (not Advent or Lent) is narrated below.
The pastor greets the congregation with words of welcome, and then everyone joins together singing the Gathering Hymn, usually led on piano. The pastor leads the congregation in the Prayer of the Day, which centers the evening worship on the themes present in the gospel.
The congregation joins together to say the Psalm to prepare for the reading of the Gospel. After the pastor has read the Gospel, the pastor provides a brief reflection on the text. Silence follows the reflection, and then the assisting minister leads the congregation in the Prayers of Intercession, where everyone is invited to offer their own petitions to God. After the Prayers the presiding minister offers a greeting of Peace to the congregation, and the congregation returns the greeting.
The pastor leads the congregation in the Great Thanksgiving, where the congregation gives thanks to God for coming to us as Christ present in, with, and under the bread and wine, not on any part of our own but because it is God's precious gift and treasure. The congregation joins together in praying the words Jesus gave in the gospels. Everyone comes forward and surrounds the altar-table for the distribution of Communion.
The congregation is sent out with God's blessing as everyone joins in singing the Sending Song. The assisting minister dismisses the congregation, and the congregation responds "Thanks be to God!"
During the seasons of Advent and Lent, Evening Prayer is prayed on Wednesday evening. Evening Prayer follows the tradition of the cathedral office of Vespers, as patterned in Evangelical Lutheran Worship. The liturgy centers on Jesus Christ as the "light of the world." After chanting Psalm 141, a song of forgiveness and protection, the congregation joins with Mary in proclaiming "the greatness of the Lord. The congregation is led in the Prayers, calling out "Lord, have mercy," concluding with the Lord's Prayer. The congregation is sent out with God's blessing. The overall tone of Evening Prayer is quiet and meditative with many opportunities for silence.