Dietrich Bonhoeffer once wrote that community is a gift from God that we are called upon to nurture as members of the body of Christ. One of the desires of your pastoral team is to create and provide opportunities for our St. Mark’s community to grow in fellowship with one another and “build itself up in love.” (Ephesians 4:18). With Pastor Ron’s arrival, we have another opportunity (excuse) to get better acquainted with each other and strengthen our community ties. Small group gatherings have been scheduled in various parts of the Bay area to meet with members of St. Mark’s for this purpose.
Several members have graciously opened their homes for these gatherings (see the schedule below). The gatherings will last for 1 ½ hours and focus on sharing some of our common life experiences. Please make every effort to sign up for the host site in your geographic area. If the date for the gathering in your area does not work for you, then feel free to sign up for another gathering. If you plan to attend, please sign up early because space at each site is limited. If we run out of space, then we will schedule another group in your area at a later date.
Please click the button below and check the gathering that you will be attending.
Come and join in our Wednesday evening fellowship beginning April 26 (for 5 weeks of the Easter season) with a simple supper, a meditative worship, and a fabulous book discussion. The book chosen for this study is “When Jesus Became God,” by Richard Rubenstein—a fascinating book about the conversation and controversy regarding the humanity and divinity of Jesus during the 4th century. This book provides an excellent background for understanding how our creeds were formulated and took on such prominence in determining our perception of who Jesus is. You may purchase a book at church for $12.00, or from Although it is helpful to read the book for this discussion, you certainly do not have to read the book in order to participate.
6:00 Dinner - all are welcome!
6:45 Worship with Holy Communion
7:30 - 8:30 Book study and discussion with the Pastors