The Stewardship Committee works on projects to increase gifts of time, talent, and treasure. It organizes the annual fall fund drive and nurtures year-round stewardship awareness within our parish community. Stewardship Forward in Faith The purpose of the Forward In Faith Campaign is to enable St. Mark’s Lutheran Church to participate more fully in God’s mission by growing in faith and generosity. It is our hearts’ desire to minister more effectively to our members, our community and the world.

Prayer for Growth Most loving God, you have generously given and entrusted many blessings to us at St. Mark’s. As we gather as a community in worship to attend to your Word and Sacraments, we grow in the Holy Spirit and share that Spirit with one another. Empower us with your strength and love as we begin this undertaking. Give us a sense of mission as we work together to more meaningfully become the hands of Christ to our families, friends, and neighbors. Help us to understand that it is your work, not ours, that we are doing as together we seek to serve in your name. Amen