2016 ELCA Churchwide Assembly and Grace Gathering
This page provides links to documents from St. Mark’s and from the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America regarding legislative actions taken during the 2016 ELCA Churchwide Assembly held in New Orleans on August 8-13, 2016.
St. Mark’s Summary: This summary was presented during St. Mark’s Adult Forum on August 28th.
2016 Legislative Update: This is the complete list of actions taken during the plenary sessions
Report from the Memorials Committee: This webpage has PDFs for the report and some updates. The text of those memorials passed en bloc are found in this report.
Declaration on the Way: An ecumenical text built from Lutheran-Catholic dialogue
AMMPARO: A commitment by the ELCA to accompany children, particularly migrant minors.
Documents supporting Call to Discernment on US Foreign and Military Policy
· “Church in Society: A Lutheran Perspective”
· “Talking Together as Christians about Tough Social Issues”